We’ve all had that dreaded “fat day.” You wake up and feel… well, fat. It doesn’t matter if you’re skinny or curvy…it happens to all of us (especially during big food festivals like the typical post-Thanksgiving food extravaganza). It’s not so much a number on the scale as it is something mental (and something in the stomach). You feel like you weigh two thousand pounds…and all two thousand pounds are located right in your midsection. Yep. Nothing fits or looks good, no matter how many outfits you try on. And while you’re frantically trying to find a pair of pants or a skirt that doesn’t make you feel like a sausage, all the while you feel like a big, bloated lump (no skin sugar).

First things first… roll down the elastic waistband pants, ladies. Here are five safe and quick solutions to give your fat day its walking papers:

Identify the culprit. Find out the cause of your plump situation. Was it the four extra dirty martinis you had during happy hour last night? Salt bombs like these are guaranteed to leave you feeling plump. Or maybe it was that Texas-sized bacon cheeseburger with a double order of fries you had for dinner. It does not matter. A fat day is often “mental” or “emotional,” so once you identify the cause (say, guilt about finishing every crumb of that cheeseburger) you can move on to alleviating it.

It’s not them, it’s you. Then know that most of it is in your head. While you may feel as big as a house, no one else will notice. Seriously. You could survey ten people you know and each of them would tell you that you look the same as always. So relax. Throw on a cute (but comfy) outfit and bold lipstick and everyone (but you) will think you look like a million bucks.

Go to the gym. Nothing gets rid of that fat day feeling faster than some intense cardio. Head to your gym before you start your day and break a sweat…literally.

Turn on. When you hit a fat day, there’s nothing worse than that bloated, chubby feeling. Instead of opting for a sugary cake and your regular caramel latte (which is more of a meal in itself), opt for black coffee and a single piece of fruit (fruit is mostly water, so it will serve as a hearty and healthy breakfast). without making your waist feel even plumper).

Keep clean. As for the rest of the day, keep your food intake super clean (if Bugs Bunny can do it, so can you). Think natural food: a handful of almonds as a snack; a simple salad for lunch; and fish and vegetables for dinner. Also eat super small portions (a deck of cards is the right size for each food group). No carbonated drinks. And aim to drink at least 64 ounces of water. Between clean eating and smaller portions, by the time you meet your date at 7 p.m., your midsection will feel slimmer and that ‘fat day’ the feeling will be long gone.

So the next time a fat day shows up on your doorstep, rest assured, it won’t stick around for long. You’ll be able to send her packing, soon, with these fat fighters and throw on your favorite skinny jeans in the middle of the afternoon…


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