If you have a problem with debts you need good legal advice. The last thing you need, however, is advice that you have to pay for. It’s true that debt relief advice is a specialized area that requires skills/qualifications, so how are you going to get your advice for free? Fortunately, there are charities that will provide free advice. There are also companies/legalrs who will provide free advice initially in the hope that you will sign up for some type of advice that they may charge you for later.

Charities that provide free debt relief advice

In the UK there are two main charitable providers of free debt relief advice:

1. The Citizen Service Office. Many CABs will have specialized debt workers who can provide free, high-quality advice. However, there may be a waiting list to see the debt social worker, as they are in high demand at the moment. You are definitely not alone with your debt problems. Although the other workers at the Citizens Advice Bureau will be able to offer general advice on debt problems, you really need to consult your debt social worker (who should be a qualified financial adviser). After they have provided advice, they should be able to negotiate with your creditors on your behalf if this is appropriate for your situation.

2. The Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) is a non-profit organization that is financed by contributions from the credit industry. They can offer advice on your debt situation and will negotiate and administer a Debt Management Plan for you if this is an appropriate solution.

Trade organizations that offer free debt relief advice

Many commercial organizations offer free introductory consultations that can help you decide the best course of action. It’s always worth remembering that their advice may be slightly biased towards the solution they’re selling.

In the UK, solicitors usually offer a free initial consultation. This can often be of limited use because it is not long enough to discuss your options in detail. You would quickly find yourself having to pay for additional time. Also, legal professionals are not always the best places to advise you on debt problems. They are familiar with the law, but not necessarily with how the laws are applied in practice.

Companies that offer Debt Management Plans or Individual Voluntary Arrangements will sometimes guide you through the initial process of identifying all your debts, income, and expenses. They do this so they can assess whether you are a good fit for the particular debt management solution they are selling. As long as you’re aware of this, they can provide very helpful advice even if you (or they) decide that their debt management solution isn’t right for you.


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