1. Should I buy a spa or jacuzzi?

The word spa refers to a tub filled with water that has heat for the water and jets to spray the water and circulate it throughout the tub. It’s a jacuzzi and the terms are used interchangeably.

2. What are hot tubs made of?

Hot tubs are often made of wood, but can also be made of faux wood materials. Hot tub or swim spa liner is usually made of fiberglass or acrylic. These acrylic liners are the best option because they are very durable.

3. Isn’t it expensive to run a hot tub with so much space to fill with water every time you use it?

Do not drain the water from a hot tub after each use. There are pipes, filters and chemicals to preserve the quality of the water and keep it at the temperature you choose, so it’s always ready to use.

4. Is hydrotherapy a word associated with the use of hot tubs? What does this mean?

Hydrotherapy is a treatment that you can do in a jacuzzi to relax with the combination of heat, massage and buoyancy. The calming properties of warm water are well known to help relieve symptoms of muscle pain, arthritis and general relaxation.

The jet system commonly installed in an outdoor hot tub, Jacuzzi or spa provides a massaging motion that targets the muscle groups of the body. Water has the property of buoyancy so you can float and this reduces your body weight by about 90%. This buoyancy reduces the pressure of body weight on tight muscles and joints, helping them to heal quickly.

5. What does wet test mean?

Experts will tell you to wet test a hot tub before you buy. This means testing the spa with water to see if the seats are comfortable, if the jets are to your liking, and if the controls are easy to operate. Even if you don’t feel comfortable doing this in a showroom where hot tubs are sold, you should get into the frame and test the comfort level of the seats. You should also lean your head against the pillow to make sure that this is to your liking.

6. What are the different types of jets available in hot tubs?

All swim spas, hot tubs, and hot tubs contain jets to mix air with pressurized water to provide a massaging experience. Some hot tubs on the market may contain air injectors. These are not jets, but instead create a bubbling effect in the water. The jets are located around the sides of the cockpit and the air injectors are located under the seats.

7. Are the jacuzzi jets adjustable?

Yes, the jets are adjustable so that they can provide the greatest benefit to the person sitting next to one or more jets. If you want, you can rotate them so they focus on just one part of your body.

8. How long will it take to heat the hot tub once it is installed?

On average, once you fill the hot tub with water, it will take approximately 12 hours for the water to reach a comfortable temperature for you to use the spa.


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