Putting on astrological glasses will help us tune in to the universal flow and instead of fighting and resisting what life offers us, we can be smart and adjust according to cosmic requirements. The key to happiness and success is always the level of awareness and knowledge that we are able to access. In NLP – Neurolinguistic Programming we say that the solution to a problem is never found at the level of the problem. It is found at the Meta level, the next level of consciousness that gives us a higher perspective and a more unique and creative focus from there.

Full Moon in Taurus

The Full Moon always opposes the Sun and therefore you get full light exposure and a high level of consciousness with that. The waxing and waning of the Moon throughout the month, the path of the Moon around the Sun, is directly connected to our inner emotional tides and has to do with our visceral reactions to the people or events around us. Both Sun and Moon signs are activated and should be watched for deeper insights.

The Sun in Scorpio is the most intense month of the year with the challenging, passionate, extreme and transformative energy that Scorpio represents. The decisions that we have put off, the areas of our life that we try to ignore will rear their ugly heads and confront us. But it seems that somehow we always rise to the occasion and deal with the emergencies and problems that life throws at us. It seems that life is the best and most patient spiritual teacher we have. If we don’t get the lesson the first time, it doesn’t really matter, it will be presented to us over and over again until we get it. There is nothing we can do wrong, no wrong choice or decision we can make, in the big picture, everything is fine. We are here simply to experience ourselves in the endless creative circle of life with all these different ways to go and things to try.

The Full Moon offers us a clear perspective of the emotional development of what has begun with the New Moon. It is the high point, the pinnacle of that emotional theme and the way we tend to approach life throughout the month. With the Full Moon in Taurus we are reminded of the joy we have within our body, through the body. Taurus is sensual and very physical. His approach to life is very practical and earthy. You are invited to celebrate the temple of your soul with a massage, a steam room, a hot bath or Jacuzzi or make love with your partner. It is a time to give thanks and feel gratitude for what that body of yours is giving you and allowing you to do.

For the spiritual beings that we are, we need this physical container to participate in the experience of being human and what a joy it can be.

Conjunct Sun Mercury

The Scorpio Sun will be conjunct Mercury. It will intensify our willingness to delve into what is the truth of the moment and confront our inner demons. Mercury represents our mind and our mental focus and filter of the world. Mercury in Scorpio is willing to confront uncomfortable areas or people we need to take a stand with. How could you use this to your advantage? Think about what area of ​​your life would benefit from such a deep search for truth. Where could I use a little more courage and support to face what needs to be looked at?

Venus in Scorpio

And then there is Venus, the goddess of love, harmony and beauty, passing into Scorpio as well. With that we will have 3 planets Sun, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio for a while. I think this particular combination will shake things up in our relationships. Anything that is not correct and true will be exposed to the light of the Sun, the deeper gaze of Mercury and the high standards of Venus. It may not be very comfortable to allow that to happen, but resistance is useless… We will do better if we consciously align ourselves with the issue and pay attention to our family and loved ones.

Remember what it was that attracted you to your partner in the beginning. What did he or she have that excited you? Look back at the time in your life that you have shared with that person and how he or she has contributed to your growth and to becoming the person you are today. Take a day off together, go somewhere and do something special, something different than usual. Invite the unexpected and new into your life. Treat your relationship like a plant with a beautiful flower. It will need adequate sunlight (awareness), water (feelings), and nutrition (fun, intimacy, autonomy, inspiration, growth, and good sex) just like a plant.

In the big picture, this is just the beginning of increased awareness in the realm of relationships with Saturn, who spends 2.5 years in Libra.

Neptune spinning direct

Every time a planet turns direct, it will take a little while for the new flow of energy to adjust to the new direction. A planet in direct motion is more present and available with its energy. Neptune is a planet that is a bit fuzzy, hazy, and difficult to grasp consciously to begin with. A retrograde Neptune is not so easy to integrate. Neptune connects us to the collective subconscious, the undercurrent, the truth of oneness that lies below our day-to-day conscious perspective, and the full potential of dreams and possibilities. We can now hope to more easily connect with our dreams and visions and take action steps.

We can apply this to our relationships as well. We can sit with our partner or write a journal and access the deepest level of our wishes and dreams that we treasure in our hearts. What are you really looking for in a relationship? What qualities are “must haves”? Is it important to you how someone looks? Or what do you really need, want and can’t do without?

This is so much fun to do and share with your partner or a friend. Here is the gemstone to play with this week. It is not an expensive stone and one of the rarest and most unknown specimens.

Apatite is the gemstone of the week

Apatite is a gemstone that occurs in a wide variety of colors, including white, pink, yellow, green, blue, and violet. The most common colors are greenish-yellow tones. The crystals are hexagonal and short; it can also be found in the form of a cat’s eye. Its origins include Burma, Brazil and Sri Lanka. It is not a good stone to set in rings because it is brittle and has a hardness of 5 on the Mohs scale, which is relatively soft, so it is not strong enough for a ring.

Apatite has a nice sheen and a very soft, warm and calming glow.

Its soft light establishes a flow of healing and nurturing energy between the solar plexus and the heart chakra. By strengthening our own creative expression in alignment with the heart, it helps us create and express ourselves from our deepest truth. In this sense, this is a stone for artists and people who want to activate the energy of the solar plexus chakra (the “power” chakra) to achieve their innermost dreams.

Blue Apatite connects the heart with the throat chakra. We learn to find and boldly speak our own inner truth. We trust in the guidance of our higher self and take the first step towards our dreams and visions. We allow ourselves to be in the exhilarating creative flow of life and enjoy the ride.

The great variety of colors of Apatite reminds us of the importance of our abundance both inside and outside.

As you can see, I am very passionate about the abilities of healing gemstones as healing allies for our journey.


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