Funeral service

Hindu funeral service is a unique way of dealing with death. Using the power of Hindu philosophies, the funeral service helps to guide the deceased soul on its journey toward nirvana, or enlightenment.

Hindus believe that death is part of life’s cycle, and the Funeral service in India must be disposed of quickly so that the soul can reincarnate into another physical form in the next lifetime. Cremation is an important aspect of Hindu funeral rituals and takes place within 24 hours of death.

A traditional Hindu funeral begins at the home of the deceased, where family members will gather to offer prayers and recite holy mantras. It is also customary to light a lamp at the deceased’s head. This symbolizes a light that will help guide their soul on its journey to the afterlife, and it will also remind the family of their loved one’s final wishes.

Funeral service in India

At the home, a priest or “karta” will preside over the proceedings and lead mourners in chants and prayers. The priest will also perform a “mukh agni,” or washing, of the body. This is an important ritual in which the body is washed, sanitized and dressed in white.

The body is then displayed in a simple casket, with flowers placed at the feet and a garland of flowers or a necklace of wooden beads draped around the neck. If the person is male, ash wood or sandalwood may be smeared on the forehead. If the person is female, turmeric may be used instead.

During the wake, mourners may dress in white or other neutral colors. They may not bring food, but they are free to leave gifts of flowers or cash.

Once the cremation has been completed, the ashes are usually scattered or buried in an area where they can be easily found. This practice signals that the departed is now free of the earth and ready to start their next journey, though it’s not necessary for Hindus to scatter the ashes.

It’s common to have a second ceremony, called a shraddha, ten days after the funeral. This is a time for mourners to come together and celebrate the life of their loved one, but it’s not always required.

Non-Indian families who choose to have their loved one cremated outside of India must follow several steps to get their bodies back home. The process involves obtaining immigration clearances, health department approvals and police permits. It can be complicated and expensive, especially if there is no local funeral director who can handle the paperwork.

A Mumbai-based funeral company, Indian Funeral Service (IFS), has been in business since 1989 and provides services for repatriation of bodies worldwide. It works with Embassies and Consulates to get the needed permissions for international funerals, as well as other related procedures.

The burial of a loved one is often an emotional and complicated process for many people. It’s important to find a funeral director who understands the importance of honoring traditions and helping families say goodbye in the most meaningful way possible.


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