Having bad breath is a bitter source of shame for many people. It lowers a person’s self-esteem and certainly hinders a person’s self-confidence. Halitosis is curable and therefore there is no reason to worry about getting rid of it. With easy home remedies available, all the person needs to do is to follow these simple remedies and successfully eradicate halitosis.

Home remedies for halitosis are very simple and effective for anyone to follow. One must be aware of the causes of halitosis in order to prevent and get rid of them successfully. Bacteria are the main cause of halitosis and this produces the odor in the person’s mouth. Certain foods like onion and garlic are also responsible for the cause of halitosis and if we do not brush our teeth properly then halitosis can occur. Improper brushing allows food particles to get stuck in the mouth and, as a result, sulfur compounds are released. These compounds are the main causes of halitosis and odor originating from the mouth, the surface of the tongue, the teeth and below the surface of the gums.

The other causes of halitosis can be gum diseases, tooth decay, throat infections, intestinal worms and constipation or other related stomach disorders like gastritis. Whatever the reason, bad breath is a problem that many people would like to get rid of and thanks to the advent of easy home remedies for bad breath, this can be done effectively. The following is a list of simple and convenient home remedies that a person can adopt to permanently get rid of bad breath:

o Chewing mint leaves considerably reduces mouth odor and freshens breath

o Brushing your teeth after each meal is very helpful in preventing bad breath.

o You can gargle with baking soda dissolved in hot water as this helps to clear the tongue.

o After every meal, a person can chew sunflower seeds and then drink a glass of water, as this is a very good natural remedy for bad mouth odor.

o Yogurt can be consumed for six weeks to eliminate bad breath permanently.

o Another natural remedy for bad breath is to drink tea made from fenugreek seeds.

o Chewing cloves after each meal also eliminates bad breath

o Squeezing a lemon into a glass of water and gargling it also helps to remove unpleasant odor from the mouth.

o Eating an apple a day also helps eliminate bacteria as it purifies the mouth.

o Chewing cardamom also reduces odor as its sweet taste acts as a breath freshener. Mouthwashes containing dyes and alcohol should be avoided as they only provide temporary relief.


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