I think global warming is silly. There I said it. It brings the hatred, the attacks, the minimization of whatever intellect you may possess.

If you are still with me, let me explain.

I believe with every fiber of my being that the Earth is being destroyed by humanity. We have avidly demanded more from Mother Nature than can be supplied. Through synthetic chemicals, pesticides, and other man-made substances (plastic, anyone?), We are suffocating, strangling, and poisoning our world to a point from which we may never recover.

Newborns everywhere have pesticides in their bloodstream. Deep ocean creatures have microplastics in their cells. Soils around the world have become soaked in so many chemicals that they are basically “dead” and can no longer support plants. The Earth is dying.

And Mother Earth is communicating with us to let us know. The examples we just cited, as well as the crazy weather patterns, are all related to the clear message that as people we are destroying our planet. Our causes are creating the effects.

Global warming target? The hyper-emotional term that points the finger and polarizes friends, families and nations? Nothing will ever be accomplished by using this term! Launching the term Global Warming is a guarantee of conflict.

Industrialized nations, capitalism, big corporations, big agricultural companies, conservatives, liberals, Republicans, Democrats, whatever they don’t like, are huge, faceless entities that people hold responsible for global warming . The bigger the target, the easier it will be to point your finger.

How convenient and incredibly lazy.

Global warming advocate: “It’s not ME doing something wrong, it’s ‘they’! ‘They’ are the bad guys and I’m outraged! And you should be outraged! And I’m outraged that you are NOT be outraged! ‘They deserve all the animosity, poison, disgust and vituperation we can throw at’ them ‘! “

Really? Complaining without offering a solution is just noise. Pointing fingers does nothing more than create deaf and defensive ears. We have a serious problem on our hands and instead of improving it, the Global Warming anger campaign strangles any hope for improvement.

The Earth needs us. We all have an obligation to do what is best for her. Education is key. Reduce your carbon footprint. Sponsor businesses and products that are sustainable. Enforce locally that toxic synthetic pesticides are NOT used in public buildings. Demand organic food; better yet, grow your own. Take an active part in wellness to avoid dependence on Big Pharma. Carpool, conserve water, reuse, recycle, reuse. Stop the throw away mentality. Don’t buy plastic water bottles. Live the life that Earth needs you to live.

Participate in positive results. Educate, with facts, on which companies to avoid due to their frivolous behavior. Help pass local ordinances to protect and preserve nature. Join with others to create a wave of green expectations. Change the narrative!

I think global warming is nonsense as it is simply an angry noise.

However, the Earth needs us … so work in harmony with it. It is the only way.


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