In my firm opinion, everyone should take them. It would alleviate many internal problems and create an overall healthier society. As explained in part 1, the why is very simple.

Why do you need to take digestive enzymes?

  1. Gut health is related to mental health and is known as the gut-brain axis.

  2. Reduces inflammation and accelerates healing.

  3. Helps burn fat / stimulates metabolism

  4. Increases the absorption of oxygen.

  5. Transports nutrients to cells

  6. Regulates hormones

  7. Eliminate toxic waste

The benefits outweigh the costs of NOT taking them. Without them, a much smaller portion of each meal is digested and the rest is literally wasted. (How does that make your checkbook feel?)

North American diets reduce enzyme production

Fast food.

Fast food.

Sugar, fake processed meats, you name it, we get it wrong and we love it, when we shouldn’t settle for less just to save a couple of bucks … The “foods” we create here are often FORBIDDEN in other countries simply because! they are not nutritious at all!

Spam, Pringles, and even your beloved Minute Maid OJ are to blame for our poor health and poor diet.

Most juice production lines add additional sugar to the juices you buy, eliminating the valuable fiber and flavinoids you expect to buy. They’re already full of fructose … they don’t need more!

Maybe one day they will create juices sweetened with stevia instead of sugar, but I’m not holding my breath …

When you think about it, that Cuisinart processor you were eager to buy doesn’t seem that expensive now, does it?

In fact, you save more money in the long run, because you get everything you need from the fruits you enjoy without wreaking havoc on your body through bloating and sugars …

Just look at ALL those nutes, bro!

Items like French fries, soda, cookies, etc. pretty much describe the Western / North American diet with a perfect “T”. Even processed Lunchables in children’s lunch boxes everywhere.

Sure, you save a dollar or two at that point, but how do you think you and your children’s bodies respond to those foods?

They really believe plus problems, such as hyperactivity that is later diagnosed as ADHD or other conditions, when in reality it is the result of a poor diet, deprived nutrients, and a lack of digestive enzymes.

We also blanch our meats here in North America using ammonia, chlorine dioxide, and other chemicals to kill bacteria and viruses from poultry and other meats. I find that method to be crazy.

At the same time, I understand the need to eliminate these nasty critters, however I think it all starts with the farm and caring for the animals, but that’s another story for another day.

Digestive enzymes remove toxic wastes that pollute your body

Sugars, chemically treated meats, what else can the world throw at us? MUCH MORE!

Your daily life will most likely consist of getting in your car to go from A to B. Pile the pollution on top to add a new layer of toxins!

Transdermal absorption is not as common as it should be, which is why I mention it in the area of ​​digestive enzymes. Pre and probiotics help eliminate toxins and waste from all the sources you find every day …

Unfortunately, most of the world looks like a smog-infested post-apocalyptic scene …

Vapors come to us from all directions … Restaurants, sewers, port toilets, nuclear plants and the planes that fly overhead spewing exhaust gases like a fire hydrant.

Can you see exactly how these enzymes and micronutrients really impact your daily life?

Otherwise, the following is the result of the accumulation of all these crazy sources that hit you from within:

  • Allergies
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Mental health
  • Disease
  • Strange pains
  • Migraines
  • Etc …

Is this really how we should be living and eating?

Many agree that it is not ideal and that eating healthier is cheaper but more expensive because, frankly, marketing does it that way.

It should be the other way around, eating healthier should be cheaper because it requires LESS chemicals, LESS danger and MORE care.

Therefore, answering the question of “how do digestive enzymes work?” It’s really a big problem!

You need enzymes to experience life in the healthiest way possible. Most of the toxic buildup occurs without enzymes and will be affected slowly, but over time it will affect you through various ways, such as joint paint or even headaches and easy agitation.

Other factors play a role in the mental health field, but the most basic of them comes down to a toxic body lacking friendly enzymes to help.


As you can see, there are a myriad of reasons to take digestive enzymes. They are the unspoken health heroes that deserve the most attention. The gut-brain axis must be mainstream.

Your body will thank you and you will have the energy to do everything you need and want without wasting a large part of the food you eat.

I bet you will LOVE taking them and you will notice their effects immediately!

Are you willing to take a bottle and take a couple of plugs with every meal and see how you feel?

I would love to see how it has changed after just 30 days with digestive enzymes. Do you already take digestive enzymes?

Leave a comment and tell me how they have affected your life!


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