Social progress and new ways of seeing a wide diversity as a basic right of our humanity all sound very positive. But there is also a lot of confusion out there. New secular groups are persuading people to redefine themselves in various ways. In this context there is room for a biblical Christian vision.


The call of the Christian is to follow Jesus Christ and not let the pressure of the world squeeze us into the mold that he himself has molded. Yes, that’s radical. But Jesus said that his disciples were to be like a well-lit city on a hill, or even the light of the world, as they represented him to this dark world. But if his followers lose the light of Christ, there is a real sense that they have lost their way and stopped following him.

In this light, our identity as Christians needs to be sharpened and illuminated rather than clouded, diluted, or compromised by the pressures of the confusing secular darkness.

With those thoughts let’s clarify what I mean when we define ourselves. We are focusing on the most prominent way we see our personal identity, the most central inner core of how we see ourselves.


Some people define themselves by their well-known family, education, or prestigious university. Others shape their identity around parenthood or a special relationship. Still others become widely known as bloggers or authors associated with a particular book title. How do you see yourself?

Yes, surely there will be a multifaceted identity depending on the context in which we are thinking, but if we truly belong to Christ, bought by his precious blood, then he is central. Jesus is the lord. He is the one from whom we receive our core identity as children of God.

However, if you have not yet placed your trust in Christ and are still uncertain of your identity, and are not well integrated socially, you may find this challenging. Some of the recent secular groups believe that it is their mission, for example, to tell the young, vulnerable, or autistic person to transition from their current gender to another. As a result, many people who don’t like their own body image or sexuality begin to think that a new gender will bring a wonderful change, like an exciting journey into a new life. Unfortunately, there are accounts of young people who soon discovered that this was a journey into depressing confusion.


My Christian response is that secular attempts to bring about gender change do not result in the new life that was expected. The process is like a spurious conversion, and anyone who seriously thinks that gender change or reassignment surgery will somehow give them a new life should carefully review their options.

At this point, you may well challenge my own position and say: I am doing exactly the same kind of thing, holding out hope for a new life, a new identity through Christian conversion, so who is to say that Christian conversion is better? who the secular type?

Yes, that’s a fair question. So here’s a brief defense that I think stands on a secure footing. The claims of Jesus are accessible. The Gospel records are available for all to read. The public life and death of Jesus by crucifixion is the most well-known death in the world, and his bodily resurrection has much compelling evidence to back it up.


All these claims come together. The foundation of the good news of the new life in Christ is based on historical events. His claim to be the eternal Son of God conforms to his teaching and the signs given by God in Jesus’ public ministry confirm it. Jesus opened the eyes of the blind and touched and cleansed the outcast lepers. He forgave people his sins. His promises to give eternal life to all who trust in him have been believed and verified in daily life by millions of people. Today, this remains the only reliable message that offers forgiveness of sins and peace with God, through a Savior whom God raised to life on the third day.

The gospel of Christ has stood the test of time. We have nothing to hide. Check it out, check out his credentials in the New Testament Scriptures. See how they give a clear assessment of our condition in God’s eyes, that we are lost, hopeless, and separated from him by our rebellion against God. Then see the wonderful good news of God’s love in providing a Savior, who would replace us at his shameful death and bear the judgment of all who turned and put their trust in him.


So how do you define yourself? Is it secular beliefs that lack a basis for your individual worth and true meaning and leave you reeling in uncertainty? Or will you see that Jesus Christ is your life and that only He, in his death on the cross, has dealt with the sinful rebellion against God of all who put their trust in him? When you are rescued from judgment by God’s unmerited favor, then you will know that ‘if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, the new has come’ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Now that’s a wonderful way to see yourself!


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