Naming your new company is not only fun but an important first step in opening your foreclosure cleanup business. Choosing your business name may seem like a no-brainer, but it can be a difficult task when you consider the impact it will have on the image of your new business, even before it opens its doors.

Let’s discuss some simple rules of thumb for choosing an effective name for your business from the start.

keep it simple

It’s tempting to be cute and creative when choosing a business name, but the trick is to keep it simple. You want people to be able to easily say and spell the name of your foreclosure cleanup company.

Easily spelled: If someone is looking for you in the phone book or online, you want them to be able to locate you easily. And spelling out your business name shouldn’t be a barrier to finding your new foreclosure cleanup business.

Can you say it? Also, you want customers and other business owners to be able to easily pronounce your business name. Because? Because when a client or colleague is getting ready to refer your foreclosure cleaning business, you want them to get the correct name of your business so that you finally get the desired referral.

For example, “Foreclosure Cleanup” is much easier to say and spell than “Foreclosure Cleanup” (cleaning is the French word for housekeeping).

Keep your business name as simple as possible, and you’ll be well on your way to choosing an effective name for your new business.

Short and sweet!

Try to keep your company name short, no more than three words. You will use your company name on your printed material (postcards, business cards, inspection forms, flyers, quote forms, etc.). The shorter your business name, the more easily it will fit into your internal print materials and marketing pieces.

And with that in mind, shorter names are easier to say, easier to spell, and most importantly, easier to remember.

What’s in a name?

What’s in a business name? Everything from your company’s services to your image will be wrapped up in your foreclosure cleanup business name. So try to choose a name that indicates what your company does.

For example, what do you think Sam’s Services does? Who would have a clue! With a name like Sam’s Services, the company could theoretically handle anything from zebra training to plumbing. But on the other hand, a name like Sam’s Plumbing would say it all.

Try to stay away from vague names because they will subconsciously give the impression that you are trying to be everything to everyone.

Clearly define what you do

You want your name to clearly define your company’s services. It’s not as easy as it seems, but you need to have a name that equals success. Try going a step further by choosing a name that also has its finger on the pulse of your industry.

In our industry, it is key to use the word cleanup or cleaning, or something equally effective. For example, Foreclosure Cleanup, LLC, says the company handles foreclosure cleanup work. The use of foreclosure in company names shows that the company is ready to help in the foreclosure crisis. Choosing cleanliness is key for obvious reasons: that’s what the company does: cleanliness works.

Sam’s Debris Removal is also very effective because it says what the company does; but Foreclosure Debris Removal is more powerful because the name unwittingly addresses and acknowledges the state of the real estate industry, while providing a concrete solution to industry problems. The company clearly handles debris removal (resolve) from properties that have been foreclosed on (crisis).

important first step

Choosing an effective business name is an important first step in opening your foreclosure cleanup business. Remember, try to make sure your new business name is 1) no more than three words, 2) easy to say, spell, and remember, and 3) provides a clear indication of the types of services your business handles.


There are several other rules of thumb for choosing an effective business name, but the above will set you on the right track in choosing the perfect name for your new foreclosure cleanup business.

Good luck!


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