Maybe I’m behind, or maybe I just hadn’t noticed or paid enough attention.

Somewhere along the way I had NOT added the “Facebook Share Button” to my blog until recently.

If you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? That’s exactly what I had to do when I realized I forgot to add the “Facebook Share” plugin to a recent series of 2-part posts I created on top WordPress plugins for internet marketers.

Because I don’t want this little plugin to feel left out, I’m dedicating this article to the Facebook Share Button, and specifically how you can use it to learn how to generate MLM leads from Facebook.

What are you doing…

If you already have the TweetMeMe button (which I’ve had since the beginning of my blog), then Facebook fills in the formula to help drive more traffic and leads from the two largest social networking sites on the web.

That is, unless you already have too many leads and too much web traffic. You were probably rolling in honey and then poked in $100 bills last night just to see how many you could get to stick with.

In that case, just pass this article on to your friends and put your money back.

How to set up your Facebook Share button:

1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

2. Click on the “Plugins” tab on the far left and then on “Add New”.

3. This will open a new section with a search bar that says “Search Plugins”.

4. Type: “Facebook Share (New)”. This is the one I am currently using. You can click on the name of the title and it will send you to an information page about the plugin itself.

5. You can click the “Download” button here, which will download the zip file for the Facebook Share Button. Unzip the file to your desktop. Make sure you know where it is. Then simply upload the file to your web server. You will need your passwords for your web server. And you’ll need to have a basic understanding of how to upload files to your web server to do this, but it’s really easy if you’ve done it before.


6. Instead of clicking the Download button and doing all that work, stay on the search page that lists the “Facebook Share (New)” add-ons and just click the “Install” link on the far right after the rating stars. This will download the plugin directly to your WordPress blog.

7. Activate the Facebook Share plugin by going to the “plugins” link on your Worpress dashboard. Just find the plugin in your list and click the “Activate” button.

8. Now, to configure the Facebook Share plugin (which you’ll need to do before you can activate the plugin), go to the far left and you’ll see the “Facebook Share” section just above the TweetMeMe section.

9. This is where you will go in and play around with the settings and configure how you want your button to look like, where you want the button to be placed on your posts, etc.

10. Analysis. There’s a cool option under the settings link called “Analytics”. This is where you will be able to track how people use your Facebook Share button. As network marketers, we should always test and research our marketing. This analytics section will show you which posts of yours are being shared, how many button clicks you get, and other interesting data.

Now, I’m not saying this to try to distract you from marketing, BUT I think this is a necessary plugin you need in your blog posts. If you are looking to increase your blog traffic and monetize posts to generate more MLM leads from that traffic, then you need the Facebook Share Button.

MLM Lead Generation from Facebook:


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