More and more studies show that food has a huge impact on our overall health and can even determine what diseases and foods we get later in life. The more aware we are of the importance of our food choices, the sooner we can teach and protect our children. Of course, there is always a balance to be struck between what is good for our bodies and what is good for our taste buds and lifestyle. Here is an overview of the most important nutrients for your child’s development and which foods meet her needs.


Babies are born with their own source of iron, but this will run out after six months. Iron is best absorbed from meat, however, a vegetarian baby can increase iron absorption by eating foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, berries, spinach, tomatoes) with meals. Giving milk separately from meals also promotes absorption. Iron-rich vegetarian foods include pureed apricots, molasses, fortified cereals, refined lentils, beans, and green vegetables.


Breast milk or formula initially provides all of your baby’s calcium needs. Calcium helps teeth and bones and promotes overall strength. Good later sources include: cow’s milk, fortified soy milk and orange juice, cheeses, molasses, dark green vegetables, beans, lentils, and tofu.


Babies require more protein than adults due to their rapid growth. A one-year-old needs about 15 grams or two cups of protein per day, such as milk, cheese, beans, tofu, fish, poultry, and lean meats. The combination of foods such as cereals (bread, pasta, rice) with beans, lentils, avocados, cheeses or tofu will provide the necessary balance for vegetarian babies.

B12 vitamin

Vitamin B12 is usually found in animal products, such as meat and poultry. Other non-meat sources include dairy products and eggs, as well as fortified foods such as soy milk and cereals.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is obtained from the action of sunlight on the skin. Most children in hot climates receive adequate vitamin D (20-30 minutes a day, 2-3 times a week). Dietary sources of vitamin D include dairy products, eggs, and fortified foods. Breast milk or formula will provide vitamin D in the early stages. Some pediatricians recommend vitamin D supplements.


Most of your baby’s fiber needs will be met by fruits, vegetables, and grains. Be careful as a diet too high in fiber and whole grains can fill a child up before their nutritional needs are met and interfere with the absorption of minerals such as zinc, iron and calcium. Too much fiber can also cause your baby to have diarrhea or an upset stomach.


Zinc is important for a healthy immune system and growth. Offer your child plenty of zinc-rich foods, such as wheat germ, lean meats, milk, lentils, beans, peas, corn, and soybeans. Zinc, like iron, can be a problem for vegetarian babies due to malabsorption.


Babies receive 40 to 50% of their calories from fat, through breast milk or formula. After the first 12 months, your baby will receive the fat from whole cow’s milk. After age two, the Pediatric Panel of the National Cholesterol Education Program recommends reducing calories from fat to 30% or less of the total diet. This is the time to switch from whole milk and milk products to low-fat versions. Sources of healthy fats include nuts, canola oil, avocado, milk, cheese, and yogurt.


These are important early on, as they prevent damage to developing DNA. The average American family eats only 50% of what is recommended. Vegetables and fruits are the best source of antioxidants, including: sweet potatoes, carrots, kiwi, broccoli, avocados, and blueberries.


Babies get water from formula and breast milk early on. However, once solids are introduced, they may need more liquids to help swallow. Water is necessary for hydration as children become more active.

The nutrients listed above are good for all ages. While they contribute to your child’s development, they also keep adults healthy and free from disease. You are the expert when it comes to your family and your child. If you have concerns, trust your gut and find someone to help you with your health and nutrition questions and concerns: pediatricians, nutritionists, dietitians, and lactation consultants are the perfect resources. Steady growth is usually the best proof that your child is getting the right amount of food.


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