If you are someone who is just getting started with kayaking, it is important that you take the time to learn how to store your kayak for the winter. Winter storage is something many people miss out on and then when they go to pick up their kayak for a spring kayak trip, they just don’t look or function the same.

These are the main things you need to know in order to store it correctly.

Clean the outer side thoroughly

The first thing to do is make sure you hose down the entire kayak first. This will remove any dirt, salt or other substances that may have accumulated during summer racing.

A typical garden hose will work perfectly for this, just make sure you clean all sides as best you can.

Don’t neglect the inside

Once you are done cleaning the exterior, the next step is to clean the interior as well. Usually water will get into the kayak as you ride the waves and if salt builds up there during the winter it could weaken the boat.

Don’t forget to also clean in and around the handles; each area should be washed with clean water.

stop it at an angle

Once you are done diluting it, the next thing to do is stand it upright at an angle. This will allow all the water to run off and then when you store it, if it rains or snows (if you’re storing it outside), the water will run off as well.

You never want to let water sit in your kayak and build up when you store it for the winter.

add a cover

Finally, if you plan to store it outside and the area you are thinking of gets a good amount of sunlight, then you should also cover it with some type of tarp or other material.

This will be important to protect it from UV rays, which can really damage your boat.

So keep these tips in mind to store your kayak during the winter. If you do them immediately after finishing your last trip, then you know that you will be able to pick up your kayak again next year in the same condition you left it in.


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