Needing protection while doing his job as a tax collector from Apolda, Germany, Louis Dobermann, a resourceful man, seized the opportunity his second job offered him; the management of the city kennel.

With an unlimited source of a variety of dogs at his disposal, Dobermann began to experiment by crossing various breeds. What he actually used is a bit of a mystery. What he created was a rather crude, but very effective version of what has evolved into the Doberman Pinscher we know and love today. The Old German Shepherd, the Weinmaraner, the Great Dane, the Rottweiler, and possibly the Greyhound can all be part of that initial equation.

Today’s Dobe, as they are affectionately called by their owners, is a far cry in appearance and demeanor from Dobermann dogs. Given that in the last hundred years they have preserved the agile, cunning, perceptive, protective and loyal character of their ancestors; they have been the favorites of the military, police and customs. Recognizing and appreciating their friendly nature, they have also been caring for therapy dogs. Their strength makes them perfect for search and rescue.

This medium-sized dog, weighing between 60 and 100 pounds, almost never seems approachable. However, that image is part of its appeal for what some owners.

They come in four colors: black, red, beige, and blue. Albino Dobermans are rare, but it does happen.

Alert, agile, energetic and with incredible stamina, the Doberman is an extremely intelligent and loyal breed. They are not recommended for an inexperienced dog owner. Intuitively, Dobermans trust and respect authority. They can sense who has it and who doesn’t. Without clear boundaries, they can develop serious and possibly dangerous behavior problems.

However, if socialized and obedience trained at a young age, the Dobe makes an amazing family pet. His obedience, loyalty and attachment to his family are without reservation. They thrive on interactions with their humans. An incredibly perceptive animal, they instinctively provide their family with not only a good watchdog, but an extraordinary watchdog as well. They can be wary of strangers.

They need regular training and a lot of socialization even as adults. By not mentally challenging them, you are doing them a disservice. A sensitive dog, with amazing intelligence, does not need to be armed hard or yell at you. A firm tone of voice and positive reinforcement, unpunished socialization methods, and obedience training are effective.

This is a dog that needs a lot of exercise! They have remarkable stamina, so be prepared to spend time walking briskly and physically interacting with them. If not properly exercised physically and mentally handicapped, they will develop unacceptable behaviors, which can become very difficult to modify. This is not a dog that tends to get lost. His attachment to his owner far outweighs his need to explore. They are thin! They have to be touching their people. Many owners will tell you that they feel that their dog is more of an accessory than a pet.

A short haired dog does not require much grooming. A bath and a good brushing from time to time will help remove loose hairs. They are sensitive to cold and should not be kept in outdoor kennels.

Dobermans have their fair share of health problems, the most common being dilated cardiomyopathy (a weakened and enlarged heart). Spaying reduces many of the risks intact males have for canine prostate diseases. Other health problems include: Von Willebrand disease, obesity, Wobbler syndrome (compression of the spinal cord), hypothyroidism, gastric dilation and volvus (GDV swelling), hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy (PRT), and heart disease congenital (CHD).

Their average life expectancy is 10 to 14 years.

Bottom line: do your homework. Since they are so popular, avoid flea markets, backyard breeders, and pet stores. They just perpetuate horrible puppy mills that are killing substandard dogs. Find a responsible and reliable breeder. Shelters and rescues often have Doberman Pinschers. They are delivered more frequently due to financial circumstances than behavior problems. Who knows, maybe your new best friend is waiting patiently for you there.


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