Many of us are realizing that our psychological/emotional and physical well-being are interconnected. We have also realized that if we are not live a life of meaning and purpose in fact we are missing something.

So I wonder: “Does illness manifest on a physical level when our soul has nowhere to go?” On a personal note, my soul knew from a very young age that I was not being viewed the way needed to be seen so i called a disease to focus on the physical ramifications of my heartache rather than the heartache itself. Of course, my personality did not know this, but my spirit/soul knew this and shifted the burden from the heart (emotional) to the hands (physical).

The belief that we can alter the chemistry of our cells by changing the way we feel emotionally has been documented in the best-selling works of Louise Hay, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., Gregg Braden, and Joe Dispenza, D.C., among many others. scientists. , authors and leaders in the field of healing and transformation.

Ask yourself, “What doesn’t feel right? Am I living out my heart’s desire?” Do I know the purpose of my life? Am I living someone else’s dream and not my own?”

Every day I witness so many people overwhelmed by sadness and pain when it comes to one situation or multiple situations in their lives. It is a snowball effect. One food begets another. People share their physical aches and pains without a deeper understanding or awareness of the root cause. Sometimes a major health issue arises that creates tremendous fear and confusion. Because right now?

Is this physical manifestation the result of your authentic self feeling lost, insecure, conflicted?

Is this really a “wake up call” for you to take care of your heart and soul? I believe these issues are brought to the surface for your understanding and clarification.

We all have the potential to get rid of anything that no longer serves us, be it emotionally, physically, or spiritually, by healing the residue left in our heart space. When we continue to hold on to old patterns of beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve us or anyone around us, we simply stay a little longer in the state of despair and disease that prevents us from moving forward on our path. What I have come to learn in my own metaphysical healing and in my being the conduit for the healing of others is that these deep seated issues have been festering in the etheric realm long before they emerged in the physical.

Take a minute and identify what you really want. See if you can connect the dots between how you feel physically and how you feel emotionally/psychologically. Is there a connection? If so, great!

You now know that it is time to reach very deep to the source of the energetic disease and release, release, release. This is what freedom looks like.

Our well-being has nothing to do with how we look on the outside.

Healing is a deep internal experience. Deep in the soul.


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