Not long ago this author said:

“For years and years, generation after generation, we’ve been told that people in this country, as well as around the world, are outnumbered by white people. And we believed it too. For me, I’ve always wondered what it was like that possible. when there are so many lands that are full of people of color. Almost every continent has non-white people living there. Although, we have been inundated with white people in movies, television, radio, newspapers and magazines , the commercials , every advertisement as far as the eye can see…is mastered, portrayed and illuminated with and for white people.And it was meant for “people of color” to absorb, digest and believe to be true…for always “Why is that? White is good, black is bad. So why do the powers that be continually attempt to brainwash and deceive each and every member of the human race?”

Did not All Human Life begin in Africa, on the African Continent? Wasn’t “The Garden of Eden” located in Iraq?

One of those falsehoods is the laundering of the former ‘King of England, Ireland and Scotland’. His name is ‘James Charles Stuart’.

When this king directed and ordered the publication of the “Holy Bible” (the Old Testament), he was almost immediately sentenced to murder… an execution, if you will. The order was given not only because it made the Bible easy to read; interpret; understand by the ‘Common Man/Woman’, but also by his black heritage. Certain people did not want it to be known that a Black Man was the true and rightful leader and heir to the modern world (at that time). Book publishers and other publications have taken drastic steps to rewrite world history. They didn’t want children and especially people of color, mainly black people, to know that one black man could rule the whole world. This is also one of the reasons why the Cairo Museum has taken steps to hide the true rulers of ancient Egypt and Africa (as the world was then known). The eradication and clandestine storage of artifacts related to the leadership of “King Taharqua” during the 25th Dynasty from Upper, Middle and Lower Egypt and much of the African continent was all but erased from history by certain people of non-melanin heritage, because the people Those who ruled were in fact black!

Much of this hidden history can be obtained in a book that was published and stored by the ‘Cambridge University’, in England: “King James VI and I and the Reunion of Christendom (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History)”. This publication can be found on ‘Amazon’ and many other book stores.

King James was not only black, but also a Hebrew!

“We cannot allow this ‘Jew’ to rule over our ‘Christian kingdoms’!”

“Remember, remember the fifth of November… Gunpowder, treason and plotting, I see no reason why gunpowder treason. It should be forgotten sometime.”

Guy Fawkes

The historical study of the career and life of Kings James VI and I, as King of Scotland (1567-1625) and England (1603-1625), who achieved the union of the crowns as the first King of Great Britain. He took over the recurring religious wars within his land, as well as those of the world. Peacemaker and diplomat, his intentions were complemented by his efforts to foster a close relationship in and among the churches of the world, and especially on the European continent. In fact, it is a fact that he helped to maintain these initiatives with peace and wisdom, although his time was cut short with the advent of the “Thirty Years’ War”. He was also immensely beneficial to both Great Britain and other countries in and around Europe and the world as it was known.

“Although the evidence is neither obvious nor well publicized, Queen Charlotte was the great-great-grandmother of the current Queen Elizabeth II, who still lives in the enlarged Buckingham House, now Buckingham Palace. Her African lineage in the British royal family is not known. common. The royal couple had fifteen children, thirteen of whom survived to adulthood. Their fourth eldest child was ‘Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent’, he later fathered Queen Victoria,” as reported in the article by this author, “Europe’s Black King(s) and Queen(s)”

In a new and forthcoming book, these Black Kings and Queens will be discussed through storytelling. The story is about four learned teachers and their fourteen college students, who make up the class of freshmen, juniors, sophomores, and seniors from various Philadelphia-area schools, as they begin a journey to Egypt and its tombs of the ancient pharaohs, Kings and Queens. Little do they know, with this visitation of certain graves and/or tombs, comes a terrible price.

Imhotep, Taharqua, Kharis, Ananka, are just a few of the dead who are awakened by this unholy disturbance of their graves and graves… From this point of view, the likes of ‘Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee, Lon Chaney, and various others will not be shown because they do not have the actual color or racial composition of the Egyptian characters they have portrayed in the past. However, this author is a fervent fan of his horror representations (or characterizations of monsters), in black and white, as well as the colored versions. The characters within the parameters of this story represent the true makeup of the original kings and queens of the African Diaspora and the Middle East.

The new project, “Halloween III”, will include the story “Wrappings”, as an adventure in the heart of Egypt. The pyramids, sphinx, tombs, and statues identify the true identities of the hierarchy and subservient characters who have inherently lived, breathed, and owned the land of mystery and spirituality.

“There are more things in Heaven and on Earth, Horace, than you dream of in your philosophy.”

A magician and his beautiful daughter finance an expedition of American archaeologists, led by Professor Allen F. Bruce and his team of scholars and students. The team travels to Egypt in search of an undisclosed tomb. Unbeknownst to the team as a whole, Dr. Bruce is keeping his true intentions of the excavation and sightseeing project of the trip a secret. At first, they are delighted to find a 3,000-year-old mummy. But they soon learn that when the moon is full, the Mummy goes on a murderous rampage of revenge and lust… unless they can find a way to stop or destroy her greatest find.

The Scroll of Thoth:

“Here are set forth the magic words by which ‘Isis’ raised ‘Osiris’ from the dead…in the dark corridors of ‘Karnak!’

“Oh! Amon-Ra… Oh! God of gods – Death is but the gateway to a new life – We live today – We will live again – In many forms we will return – O Mighty One… Return O Ka, the dapul, return O Air the soul, O strong art of the heart, make limbs quick and sinews strong, Fill O my soul, this heart, with tenderness, that I may walk again in the land of ‘Kem’ in all your strength and beauty and use once more the Uralita!” Give life, give life, oh ‘Karnak’ when I say the mighty words…!

Oh ‘Karnak’, with this scroll of life, oh Lord of souls, the Mighty One of Amen Tet, do not let this soul die… give it life with the powerful words of power…

May they not die… may they be brought back to life… O Mighty One, may they not be corrupted… may they be filled with strength and tenderness… once the death of the disbelievers is consummated, the mummy may being freed from the curse, being undead… the protector of the graves and the avenging spirit… as well as the collection of assigned High Priests… the graves of the dead!

One of the ancient Egyptians, “The Spirit of Taharqua”, is transported by the High Priest “Mehemet”, from Egypt to the United States, invoking revenge against all those who have desecrated the sacred tomb of his beloved daughter, “Queen Amenirdis “. the eighth and last ruler of the 25th Dynasty.

“Bigoted disbelievers! You will/will suffer the consequences of a thousand deaths…killing all and the last desecrator is the task at hand! The Maat…of Mehemet Bey!”


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