If you’ve been around the block in all of network marketing, you’ve heard the classic phrase,

“Ignorance in fire is better than knowledge in ice!”

Okay, I agree, up to a point.

Here’s the deal. You NEVER want to ignore what’s really going on with your business, whether it’s a network marketing business or any other business you’re investing your hard earned money and time into.

Let’s say someone told you that if you invest $50,000 of your hard earned money in some oil scheme, you will earn triple your money. You then say that you don’t need to fully understand how the money would be invested and exactly HOW and when you would get your investment back.

He then tells you to recruit some of your friends and family and let your excitement and enthusiasm make up for your lack of knowledge.

I see this all the time in network marketing.

For whatever reason, people think that it’s okay to shed caution when doing their due diligence researching an mlm business.

Do yourself a favor. Whose.

Here’s the rub: You’re doing yourself and your potential business partner a huge disservice when you recruit purely on enthusiasm.

If your network marketing business collapses, your partners may be MAD.

But really, as an entrepreneur and investor in your own mlm business, you owe it to yourself to ask all the tough questions and fully understand the potential of your network marketing business.

I see newbies and seasoned networkers who don’t understand their compensation plan because their damn sponsor has convinced them that “Oh, you don’t need to understand the compensation plan right now. You can learn it along the way.”

Well, what if the compensation plan sucks? And do they learn THAT “on the go”? Also keep in mind that certain compensation plans are much better than others. Some reward well with high initial retail sales, while others reward better in the residual back-end.

And some compensation plans aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.

I also see new distributors who are ignorantly burned and know nothing about the principles of their business.

They have NO CLUES how successful they are, or what businesses they have run in the past.

They don’t know what past legal entanglements the directors have been involved in or what current legal issues their current company might be facing.

In short, anyone who plans to rely solely on the ignorant enthusiasm that shoots up early on in their new network marketing business may be selling themselves in the short and long term because they haven’t spent enough time up front to understand how successful they are. viable is your mlm business and how suitable is it. they are to work the business.

Do yourself a favor. Ask the right questions before joining a new mlm. Fight for KNOWLEDGE in the fire instead of ignorance.


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Rogers PCB Rogers PCB is a company that is into the manufacturing of laminate materials which are used to build circuit boards. This type of material is very popular in the electronics industry and is used to create high-end electronic equipment. It is known for…

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