online personal training is fast becoming a major game changer in the world of training for bodybuilders, powerlifters, powerlifters and strength athletes. Even sport-specific training often leads athletes and competitors to search online for top fitness trainers to up their game. So what’s the big draw of having a strength coach or personal trainer online?

The first advantage, as mentioned above, is the ability to hire a trainer who may live a mile, 1,000 miles, or even 10,000 miles away from you. You are no longer confined to the trainers at your local gym; while they can be great trainers, they can also be mediocre or just not up to par with some of the online trainers.

The other big advantage is that you are more likely to find the right trainer for you! Whether you want to increase muscle size, get stronger, become a competitor or lose weight and adopt a healthier diet, you will be able to find online trainers for that. If you are 50 years old and don’t want to work with a 23 year old coach who has no experience in life at that age, find a coach the same age or older than you.

For many athletes, scheduling is often a problem. Life gets in the way of plans, or the gym is too busy by the time your trainer is available; after all, most only work peak periods each day. However, with online training, your trainer provides you with exercise and/or meal plans and allows you to use them when it fits into YOUR schedule. This means that if you’re hung up at work, have a hot date, or just need to rest for a day, you can tailor your training around that, just like you would without a trainer. That flexibility usually doesn’t happen with in-house trainers at the gym, as that would put their other clients through the scheduling changes.

So how does online training work? It typically begins with an in-depth consultation, discussing your goals and aspirations, your history with both weights and life in general, and a careful study of any underlying conditions, medical or emotional, that may influence planning. Once that assessment is done, your trainer will put together your initial training plan (and initial nutrition plan if they offer the full service). It will keep track of your food and drink consumption and weights and sets and send them to your coach, usually weekly. When requested, you will also submit photos and/or videos of your training to help your coach assess your progress, form, and strengths and weaknesses.

A good trainer will modify your workouts and diet over time in order to realign you with your goals. And that, folks, is the main reason why you need a fitness or personal trainer in the first place: to keep you on track and to lend you their expertise as you build your own. It’s time to get an online coach!


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