If you want to be successful at anything in life, being persistent is almost always vital to that success. No matter if it is business, sports activities or social life, persistence has an important role to play. Without persistence, it’s all too easy to give up, tell yourself you’ll never master it, and then move on to the next best thing.

The quality of persistence is something that has enabled man to rise above all animals and succeed in so many areas.

If it weren’t for persistence, the world today would be a much poorer place than it is now. Did you ever think that if it weren’t for Edison’s persistence, we wouldn’t have electric lighting today? For years, his fellow scientists made fun of his experiments to create an electric light bulb.

What was your reaction? He said that he had not failed, he had succeeded many times in discovering how not to make the light bulb work. But she persistently continued until one day, Bingo worked! How many times he must have felt like giving up, but no. His persistence won out in the end. What relationship must have felt that day. It had all been worth it! As Sir Winston Churchill once said: “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”

Always be enthusiastic about the things you want to achieve without giving up. In another of Sir Winston Churchill’s famous speeches he said: “Never give up, never, never, never, never, in anything great or small, great or small, never yield, except from convictions of honor and good sense.” As you can see, throughout history, mankind’s greatest achievements would never have come about were it not for the dogged persistence on the part of the filmmakers. According to another well-known phrase, “There is no gain without pain”

Persistence and self-discipline go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. Whatever you want to achieve, whatever goal you set for yourself, you cannot and will not succeed without those two elements of persistence and self-discipline. Whenever you are working on your chosen topic, there will be times when your enthusiasm will fade. You will feel that you do not want to continue, you are bored and everything you try to do seems not to work. You want to give up and try something else. That’s the time when your self-discipline has to “kick in” because if you give up and then move on to something new, you’ll find you’ll do it over and over again. You will be jumping, like a grasshopper, from one project to another and never get anywhere. I know I’ve been guilty of that myself in the past.

The world is full of talented people, some with brilliant ideas who never get anywhere because they have lacked those two essential qualities of self-discipline and persistence. Sometimes we can recognize the lack of those essential elements within ourselves. For example, have you ever had a good (or even brilliant) idea about how to do or improve something, and then sat back and did nothing about it, only to find out later that someone else had the same idea, but also had the self-discipline and persistence to do something about it and bring it to reality, letting yourself say to yourself “But I thought of that a long time ago”? Do you recognize something like that in yourself? I know what I do!

The qualities we’re talking about apply to every form of human endeavor, both big and small, whether it’s to conquer the person you love, to become your life partner in much larger tasks like defeating the scourge of world terrorism. . Persistence wins, OK!

You should never give up anything, whatever the reason? Clearly, the answer to that question is NO. Do you remember Winston Churchill’s advice? You must never yield to anything except the convictions of common sense.

Good sense is the other element that is needed to be successful in any undertaking.

Do you know the history of Microsoft? You know, of course, that today it is one of the most successful and powerful businesses that has ever existed. Did you know that before there was Microsoft, Bill Gates and his business partner, Paul Allen, formed a company called Traf-O-Data, which they ran for several years? They eventually abandoned the idea for good reasons that they themselves know best. They then formed Microsoft. The rest, as they say, is history.

Therefore, the lesson to be learned is to always have self-discipline and persistence, but temper that concept with good sense and, if necessary, try again with the knowledge you have gained from previous effort. That way, success will surely be yours.


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