Every man wants a healthy prostate, which is the mysterious factory of his sexual powers! The prostate is the male sex gland that produces semen and releases this white or gray fluid from the urethra (tube in the penis) during ejaculation. At the time of birth, the prostate gland is no bigger than a grain of corn.

Men commonly begin to experience prostate growth in middle age. By the time a man reaches 25 years of age, the prostate has grown to the size of a walnut. In the mid to late 40s, the sex glands tend to enlarge as cells in the midsection of the prostate begin to reproduce at an accelerated rate. This enlarged prostate is known as BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia). When the prostate enlarges, it can put pressure on the urethra and block the flow of urine.

So what causes this enlarged prostate? And how can we fix it? Ancient Indian Ayurvedic texts indicate that an enlarged prostate is caused by hormonal changes in the levels of testosterone and estrogen. Estrogen is often thought of as a female hormone, although it actually plays an important role in the development of the prostate gland.

Scientific studies have shown that estrogen regulation can help prevent the prostate gland from growing in older men. The hormonal imbalance known as “estrogen dominance” has been identified as the main cause of enlarged prostate and prostate cancer. The wonderful solution is that by rebalancing hormone levels, the risk of prostate problems can be significantly reduced.

A male prostate problem arises with too much estrogen and too little progesterone. This is very similar to the problem a woman experiences when she has breast cancer: too much estrogen and too little progesterone. Another important factor is measuring your PSA. Its PSA (prostate specific antigen) is produced in men and protects against prostate cancer by inhibiting the growth of blood vessels that feed tumors. Both testosterone and progesterone are energy-producing hormones. So when your levels drop below the normal range, cellular energy drops and less PSA is produced. When testosterone deficiency is restored, PSA levels normalize. When progesterone increases, estrogen decreases.

Applying progesterone cream to the scrotum or other thin areas of the skin has significant benefits. Progesterone can They help shrink the prostate by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is linked to prostate cancer. As progesterone levels decline, the conversion of testosterone to DHT increases. Progesterone is necessary to balance the life-giving effects that estrogen has on the cells of the prostate.

Progesterone cream application has many health benefits for men and women! In addition to helping to shrink the prostate, progesterone can improve sex drive, aid in the prevention of osteoporosis, and can decrease male pattern baldness. You can even have your partner apply it to your scrotum as part of your intimate time together.

When applying progesterone cream, it is good to skip one day of the week. Therefore, apply around 8-12 mg a day for six days a week. It is essential to take proper care of your prostate health by having regular hormone tests. Avoid foods and products without hormones. Get optimal nutrition, exercise, strength training, and practice different ways to relieve stress.

Another important key to male prostate health is prostate massage. Prostate massage works in harmony with your body to stimulate your health and sexual powers. Regular massage of the prostate gland increases blood flow and circulation, shrinks the prostate, strengthens ejaculation control, and significantly reduces any symptoms of an enlarged prostate. You can learn more about prostate health by clicking HERE.


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