The title sounds a bit mystical, but it’s one of the most practical and direct books on muscle building I’ve read since 1977.

This book helped me increase my body weight from 120 to 155 pounds. I Chose After years of trying every gadget and protein powder on the market, Mike H. Brown’s book put me on the right path to gaining healthy muscle. Now, I’m not saying it’s a free ride. The reader still has to pay attention to sleep, nutrition and how to train. But instead of long, complicated workouts and tons of supplements, underweight people can follow a program that works.

In the first part of the book, Brown explains why Samson was so strong. For example, his mother was visited by an angel and gave him strict dietary guidelines. Samson’s feats of strength were also explained. (Killing a lion with his bare bands was easier by strangling a small lion.

Brown stresses the need for proper digestion. This takes away from the old theory that you have to stuff yourself to gain weight. Eating less, but better, will increase muscle weight faster than the popular attitude of force-feeding. As for training, Brown recommends regular activity (like running), but only power training twice a week. One day is a “heavy day” and the other day is a “snooze day.”

Brown is strict in treating the human body as a temple. Sugar, white flour, alcohol, and excessive sex are taboo. While it sounds boring, I have to admit that it makes a huge difference in progress.

I was cynical, but I followed the advice for several months. My strength gains increased as did my health and muscle weight. Some people may not like the Biblical references and the mention of prayer. If they can get past that, they may find some solid practical training value.


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