God looked down on his paradise and was pleased. He looked at all the peoples of the earth. He became aware of the many sports athletes participated in. God said, “I need to create the best sport and the best athlete.” So God made a fighter.

God said, “I need an athlete who is willing to participate in a sport that requires discipline, sacrifice, dedication, hard work, and commitment.” So God made a fighter.

“I need an athlete who is willing to take on another athlete one-on-one in the most physically demanding sport out there with no one else to help and yet have no fear.” So he made a fighter.

“I need an athlete who can defeat his opponent with strength, power, speed, agility and technical skills. He needs to be able to endure the hardest six or seven minutes a person could endure in the world of sport.” So God made a fighter.

God said, “I need a person who is willing to get up at 6:00 a.m. So that I can run five miles before going to school. I need that same person to attend class, pass a demanding practice of fighting two hours, and then he still comes home and does his homework. ” So God made a fighter.

God had to have someone willing to practice the same movement for hours, day after day, until he perfected it. So he made a fighter.

God said, “I need an athlete who as a child declares that one day he will be an Olympic champion and will never doubt himself.” So God made a fighter.

“I need an athlete who can lose his last college game, so it will be his only loss during his high school and college career. I need that same athlete to come back with more determination than ever. I need that athlete to win the medal. Olympic gold medal in one dominating fashion and then becoming one of the best wrestling coaches in college history. ” So God made a fighter.

God said, “I need an athlete who is willing to shoot a million low single legs in his life and perform a leg lace fifty times a day because he knows the value of piercing.” So he made a fighter.

God had to have someone who could be pinned down one week and then defeat the same opponent the following week to win the conference championship because he believed in himself and his abilities. So God made a fighter.

God said, “I need an athlete who is willing to work hard for four years and never regrets even if he never makes it to varsity. I need an athlete who sticks to it because he knows it is making him a better person.” “So he made a fighter.

“I need an athlete who is willing to practice three times a day preparing for the NCAA Tournament because his coach thinks that’s what it takes to be prepared. I need another one of his teammates to run 10 miles three times a week in addition to attend regular wrestling practice because his coach believes that will give him the advantage of entering the NCAA Tournament. ” So God made a fighter.

God said, “I need an athlete who can go undefeated for thirteen years of international competition and then lose a match with the whole world watching and yet be a gentleman and shake his opponent’s hand.” So God made a fighter.

“I need an athlete who can face a man who hasn’t lost a game in thirteen years and yet feel up to the challenge and never doubt himself.” So he made a fighter.

“I need an athlete who can become a seven-time world champion and a three-time Olympic gold medal winner by becoming one of the best in his sport of all time.” So God made a fighter.

God needed an athlete who would run wind races until his lungs burned and his legs ached. He needed that same person to do push-ups until his arms could no longer lift his body even for one more rep. God needed an athlete willing to work to the point of total exhaustion. So he made a fighter.

God said, “I need an athlete who is willing to turn down a chocolate bar or cheeseburger because he needs to gain weight the next day. I need an athlete who is willing to eat a bland but healthy diet, because he wants to be in peak condition, although I would rather eat pizza and drink soda. ” So he made a fighter.

“I need an athlete who can work twelve hours a day on a summer job and still make practice and exercise a priority.” So he made a fighter.

God needed an athlete to practice his skills, lift weights, run, eat healthy, live to perfection, overcome defeat, show good sportsmanship, work hard, sweat, bleed, and sometimes even cry. So God made a fighter.

God said, “I need an athlete who develops the character, values, self-discipline and work ethic that will stay with him even after his competition days are over.” So God made a fighter.

Thanks for reading this little creative work. I hope you found something inspiring in his words.


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