Windows Live Messenger error 80040154 is a problem caused by the corruption of the Windows “MSXML” library, which prevents Windows Live Messenger from sending the data it needs to the authentication server. We found that although this file is continually causing a lot of problems for your computer, it’s actually relatively easy to fix, if you can re-register the files that Windows Live Messenger will use, as well as remove any potential configuration issues your system may have.

The Windows Live Messenger 80040154, as mentioned, is caused by the “MSXML” language on your PC not being able to process the settings you need. The msxml language is basically a set of functions and settings that Windows computers send information from your PC to another server over the Internet. Many Internet-centric programs, such as Skype, Windows Live Messenger, and others, are designed to use the MSXML language to send hundreds of important files and settings to and from your PC.

In order to resolve any issues you may be having, it is important that you first ensure that you can fix the various issues that the msxml file might have on your system, as well as clean up any potential issues within the registry.

The first step in resolving this error is to “re-register” the files that Windows will use to run Windows Live Messenger. This basically means that you click on the Windows “CMD” (Command Prompt) program and then use the regsvr32 function to register the following file: “regsvr32 system32msxml3.dll”. Windows uses this file to help load the msxml language, ensuring that your PC can process the various important settings it requires to run. This will ensure that your PC can process the important options it requires to run the Windows Live Messenger program, and should resolve 99% of all 80040154 error cases.

The next step is to clean your PC’s registry with a “registry cleaner”. This is a central database that stores all the settings that Windows needs to run and is used to help your system process the important options used to load things like your system’s “wallpaper” to your system options. your password. . The registry database is one of the most important parts of the entire Windows system, so it is essential for it to be able to clean up the various issues inside it. We recommend using a program called Frontline Registry Cleaner 2.0 to make sure that the 80040154 error does not return.


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