In the 16th century, the famous explorer Ponce de Leone set out to discover the fountain of youth. Intent on finding an elixir that could magically restore vitality and vigor, he sailed far and wide in search of his dream. But as we all know, the search for him turned out to be futile; there was no fountain of youth. Unfortunately, poor Ponce died at the age of 61, looking his age.

Nearly four hundred years later, people are still searching for a magic youth potion and would pay almost anything for a product that promises to turn back the clock. Shameless peddlers continue to capitalize on this frenzied desire, from bee pollen to rhino horn as youth-enhancing formulas. Unfortunately, these products are nothing more than snake oil and those tricked into buying them are ultimately left disappointed.

However, there is a proven remedy that can actually reverse the aging process: strength training. Yes, lifting weights is the answer to renewed vitality! Without a doubt, no other activity has a greater impact on your overall health and well-being. Sure, aerobic exercise is important. Conditions the cardiovascular system and helps accelerate caloric expenditure. However, all things considered, nothing compares to the myriad benefits that come from a dedicated strength training program.

Unfortunately, there are those who still believe that strength training is reserved for hard, polished bodies with bulging biceps and ripped abs. Rest assured, though, lifting weights isn’t just for bodybuilders—it’s for everyone. No matter what your age or current physical condition, lifting weights will help improve your quality of life. If you’re not convinced of this fact, consider what strength training can do:

increases strength: After the age of 35, sedentary people lose up to one percent of their muscle mass per year. As a result, your ability to perform everyday tasks, such as lifting packages or moving furniture, gradually declines. By the time they become seniors, just getting out of bed can be a real chore. Doctors have dubbed this condition sarcopenia, the progressive wasting away of muscle tissue. Weight training is the only activity that counteracts sarcopenia, helping to restore lost muscle and regenerate strength. Positive results are seen even in older people, regardless of prior training experience. Studies have shown that when sedentary nursing home patients (ages 80-90) undergo a structured weight-lifting program, their strength levels increase by 50 percent in a matter of weeks! Therefore, dedicated strength training can help maintain the golden years rather than weaken them.

Increases bone density: Healthy bones are often taken for granted. As with muscle, people lose up to one percent of their bone density per year after age thirty, an amount that doubles during menopause. Eventually, this can lead to osteoporosis, a debilitating disease that causes bone tissue to break down from the inside out. Osteoporosis is not uncommon, affecting more than 25 million people a year. In severe cases, the bones become so brittle that they can break from a simple sneeze. Only through regular weight-bearing exercise can bone loss be counteracted. By promoting the formation of new bone minerals, bone density gradually improves. Over time, osteoporosis can be completely reversed, resulting in strong, healthy bones.

Raises the metabolism: Muscle is the most metabolically active body tissue. Studies show that for every pound of muscle, your body burns an additional 50 calories a day at rest. To put this in perspective, by gaining just five pounds of muscle (a feat that can be accomplished in just a few months of dedicated strength training), your caloric expenditure increases by 250 calories per day, seven days a week! By contrast, aerobics primarily burn calories during exercise. There is only a slight carryover effect and virtually no impact on resting metabolic rate. In fact, when calories are restricted, aerobic exercise can actually result in the catabolism (breakdown) of muscle tissue, which actually slows your metabolic rate. Taking all factors into account, the evidence is clear: strength training is even more beneficial than exercise for long-term cardiovascular weight control.

Promotes better posture: Your posture says a lot about you. Poor posture causes you to slouch, which contributes to a tired, haggard appearance. This has a profound effect on how others perceive you and makes you appear older than you are. By contrast, an upright posture projects a youthful exuberance that transcends your age. By standing tall, you display an aura of self-confidence that commands respect in both your professional and social endeavors. Fortunately, targeted strength training can do wonders for your posture. By targeting the muscles of the shoulder girdle (teres major, rhomboids, trapezius, etc.), the scapula (shoulder blades) is stabilized and postural integrity is restored. With dedicated effort, other conditions such as lordosis (hunched back) and kyphosis (hunchback) can also be improved.

Improves self-image: As the saying goes, “When you look good, you feel good.” Without a doubt, your appearance has a huge impact on your psyche. There is no better way to transform your body than through regimented weight training. While cardiovascular exercise can help shed excess fat from your body, it actually has almost no effect on muscle tone. Rather, weight training helps shape muscles, promoting a lean, sculpted physique that exudes sex appeal. Whether you are young or old, thin or overweight, several months of lifting weights will make your body more aesthetically pleasing. Invariably, your self-esteem will improve, fostering a renewed confidence in your abilities.

Reduce stress: Strength training can be very therapeutic. It provides an outlet for your aggressions, allowing you to channel stress and relieve anxiety. Also, as you train, the brain begins to secrete endorphin-like chemical messengers, opiates, which promote a “workout high.” Until recently it was thought that endorphins were only associated with cardiovascular exercise. However, recently published studies have shown that, after a strength training session, endorphin levels increase by more than 60 percent. Therefore, an intense weight training session will leave you feeling rejuvenated and even euphoric, keeping your mind free from trouble.

Improve sports performance: Increasingly, people maintain an active lifestyle in their golden years. Golf, tennis, skiing, and other activities are becoming increasingly popular among the older sect. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or an aspiring pro, weight training is one of the best ways to increase athletic prowess. Virtually all athletic endeavors require a good degree of muscular strength, and specific training protocols can be developed to maximize this fact. By training in a sport-specific way, you can see significant improvements in performance.

In short, if you’re not currently involved in a strength training program, start one today. Dont wait! The sooner you start, the better you’ll do. It’s the closest thing we have to the fountain of youth. Remember, it is never too late to start.


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