When looking for a Christmas present for a girl, dolls are often turned to, as every girl wants one. The Baby Alive line of dolls offers many great options. A cute one is the Baby Alive Wets and Wiggles from Hasbro.

Unlike other dolls that are available as potty training tools, this interactive doll is not designed to use the bathroom. It looks very much like a baby and is a doll that also wets diapers as such.

Although Baby Alive juice packs and additional diaper packs are sold separately, you don’t need to fill the accompanying bottle with juice. The doll will wet her diaper just as well after drinking a bottle of water.

After drinking the bottle, it will only take a few minutes before Wets ‘N Wiggles begins to squirm and cry like a real baby. That’s when his little mommy will need to change his diaper. With a dry diaper, it’s time for a nap. That’s when her daughter can squeeze her bracelet to hear her start cooing and babbling as they snuggle together for naptime.

Wets ‘n Wiggles comes with three diapers so you can change. However, diapers really do get wet and will need to be thrown away. While some parents buy the Baby Alive diaper add-on packs, others settle for buying real baby diapers in newborn or preemie sizes. Get diapers that you can wash and let the doll’s mommy wash the diapers for an extra idea of ​​what it’s like to take care of a baby.

Wets ‘n Wiggles comes in Hispanic, African American, and Caucasian versions, all dressed in a little pink t-shirt with a matching pink cap. She also has all three doll diapers, a wipe, a rattle and her bottle. Fortunately, these dolls come with the four AA batteries needed to make it work.

If your girl prefers to have a boy doll, a boy version is also available with the same accessories, but with a blue shirt and hat. Some toddlers who like to play parent to their own toddlers will also enjoy this doll. Warning: the doll is anatomically correct if that is of concern.

The doll is appropriate for children ages three to five, but older children will enjoy the baby too, especially if they like to change diapers. Weighing in at just under three pounds, Wets ‘n Wiggles are the perfect size for this age group.


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