The biography of Julian Assange. He is one of the most wanted by the United States for leaking confidential documents to all Americans through wikileaks. Julian Paul Assange was born 39 years ago in Queensland, Australia.

Julian is the publisher, hacker, and internet activist. His name is becoming the center of attention of the world because the site, Wikileaks, managed to obtain the secret documents of the American superpower. The numbers are without palliatives, that is, the supposedly reached 250 thousand documents. All the content of the document will go dikuak to the public through the site little by little.

The biography of Julian Assange

Julian’s childhood was less happy. His mother, Christine, remarried into a controversial New Age movement. Julian Little rarely receives a formal education. even though his stepfather was very cruel to him, he and his mother had to flee and the nomadic life. He pointed out that he has moved residence up to 37 times before he was 14 years old. Homeschooling is not something new to him.

Moving up, he followed lectures at various universities in Australia. In 1987, at the age of 16, Julian began his career in the hacking field. He bears the name Mendax ‘password’. Along with two other colleagues, he founded a group called International Subversives. Julian and his friends are not the destroyer program or site. They stole data from these ‘secret’ sites and distributed it to the public.

The young group has access to several renowned universities in Australia. Even venturing into foreign countries, one of them gains access to Nortel, a Canadian telecommunications company. However, because he is still ‘green’ Assange, captured in 1991 and found guilty of 24 counts of hacking activity. But he is released from that year by paying a fine in the amount of AUS$2100.

WikiLeaks Settings

In 2006, Assange, along with five other people, founded a site called Wikileaks. Assange acts as a spokesperson for the site, therefore he is only known as a Wikileaks official. The original purpose of this site is to dismantle the behavior of the company that is judged unethical, as well as to help eradicate corruption in public institutions.

Wikileaks’s actually noble motto, i.e. ‘Transparency/Openness’, can be seen on its web page, i.e. a paragraph that reads “Transparency creates a better life for all people. Good oversight will reduce corruption.” and will strengthen democracy in all social institutions”. , including government, corporations, and other organizations,”

The Wikileaks site is voluntary. Julian Assange and his group did not receive a penny of his shares. All fees earned by Wikileaks come from site visitors. But the result is no joke, Assange has said that Wikileaks has assembled secret government documents on much of the findings from all the world’s media, even if those findings are combined into one package.

She has been involved in publishing material on extrajudicial killings in Kenya, where she won the 2009 Amnesty International Media Award. She has also published material on toxic waste dumping in Africa, the Church of Scientology manual, Guantanamo Bay and banking procedures such as Kaupthing and Julius Baer. In 2010, she published details of classified US involvement in the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. At that time, on November 28, 2010, WikiLeaks and five related outlets began distributing the mysterious US discretionary links. The White House describes Assange’s activity as reckless and dangerous.

As a result of his actions, Julian Assange will have to remain sedentary. Perhaps this is normal for her, given her ‘nomadic’ roots. She stayed at the airport. She sometimes she is in Australia, Kenya and Tanzania. Lastly, Assange reportedly rented a house in Iceland last March.

But Julian Assange is not a mysterious figure. He often attends interviews with the media, such as Al Jazeera, MSNBC, Democracy Now! and The Colbert Report.

Julian Assange last appeared before the public in early July and then at the Personal Democracy Forum in New York. His presence was not physical, but he used the sophistication of technology via Video Conference. This is normal because since WikiLeaks has started to spill over into the American public, it is certainly not safe for him and his colleagues to set foot in the superpower.

Wikilieaks won a number of awards including Amnesty International Media Awards in 2009, The Economist Index on Cencorship in 2008, Sam Adams Award in 2010.

Julian Assange was never able to escape the awards. He was named one of the 25 visionaries who will change the world in the Utne Reader’s version. Not only that, the prestigious Time magazine once awarded the title of Person of the Year 2010 to the blonde man.

Since his last appearance last June, Assange has never seemed to hold his nose again until now. Supposedly, Medio went into hiding. Assange became Interpol’s number one fugitive following a request from Sweden. But not because of the leaked documents of the case. Assange wanted on rape and sexual assault charges in Sweden. Not a few have speculated that Assange was intentionally accused as a result of revealing secret documents.

The impact of the Julian Assange Law is very pronounced. Countries of the Americas as we clasp the lost heart in the face of this man of action. Not only that, the other superpowers like China, Japan, and even Indonesia once committed to shooting beards. Of course, it is not possible that in these secret documents there are distorted things like the basic abuse of power. No matter what, Julian Assange has definitely created a new revolution in the field of media transparency.

People. The biography of Julian Assange.


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