Do you dare to go leopard? That’s the question that’s been buzzing around town ever since animal print made its way back into the fashion world! Animal print skirts, shoes, bags, etc. It has been seen in just about every department store you can imagine. Shy and cautious women have been transformed into sexy, bold and confident divas. Leopard print has been around for some time now, but big Hollywood stars have walked the runway in this bad kitty look and it has made everyone go crazy for it once again! To understand the leopard, we must understand who the animal really is and what it represents. This beautiful creature believe it or not is the smallest of the four “big cats” which includes tigers, lions and jaguars. But his speed, agility, and ferocity make up for his lack of size. It has relatively short legs, a large skull, and an elongated body covered with rosettes. Rosettes are the rose-shaped markings or formations found on the coat and skin. The rosettes are used to camouflage the animal, either as a defense mechanism or as a stalking tool. Most leopards are yellowish tan with black spots. This is the one used in the fashion world today. But there are those leopards that are born all black but even they have rosettes. This ferocious animal knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to get it.

The animal print on a woman can be like the rosettes on leopards. The woman can use it to catch her prey, which is a man, and men don’t complain. Men find this style sexy and provocative. Married women have brought the passion back into their relationships with this look. Sexy lingerie and bedding have turned up the heat in the bedroom for many. The leopard highlights the animal in both men and women. Women have used this sexy bedding to create their most dreamed-of environment yet. Create a seductive bedroom by wrapping black drapes around the bedposts, spread a seductive leopard duvet cover over the bed, add a pair of gold accent pillows and a beautiful gold plate filled with your friends’ favorite fruit for “dessert.” “. Have fun and let out the animal that you both have inside.


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