One of the biggest challenges we face is our misunderstanding of what success really is. Success is determined by so many factors that it’s almost a joke to imagine it can only be defined according to how much stuff you’ve accumulated or how high you climb in your career. These are the external measures of success, which have nothing to do with the reality of your personal life.

Too often, many people measure success by the amount of money they make or by their connections. While this is true to a degree, it’s not the whole story because, in the end, the true measure of success comes from your ideas of what you really want. It may sound strange to you to know that some of the hardest times in life happen when you have a lot of money.

Almost always, your goals are focused inward; they have to do with your achievements, your career and your accomplishments. These clearly measure a degree of success, but fall short of the true measure of success. when you allow circumstances to dictate your time and your priorities. That’s when success lulls you into the complacency of its momentum.

Few people realized that true success has to be measured by how content and happy they are; especially in making a positive difference in other people’s lives. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed by your encounters with famous and fascinating people.

But when you’re able to build something from scratch and have a wonderful time learning, growing, and becoming an expert in your craft, no amount of money can make you happy. It is your self-satisfaction that makes you happy, especially when a deal is closed or a project is done.

While there are many people who have risen from adversity to the heights of success, comparing yourself to others without knowing their personal circumstances will only breed resentment and antipathy. Make sure his success is something that belongs to him instead of being owned by him.

Not that I blame you, but your education can also have a huge impact not only on your ability to achieve successful goals but also on your level of aspiration and ambition. If you were brought up to believe that we don’t do things like that; then it can be extremely difficult to go against the expectations of others and really succeed. This can be a real hurdle as you risk alienating loved ones.

Money is not only the key to success. Most people would assume business success, and the wealth that comes with it has brought happiness. Now, if you don’t enjoy what you do, or don’t have a lot of fun despite making a lot of money or hobnobbing with the rich and famous, then it’s time to move on to something that makes you happy and fulfilled.


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