Have you ever seen pictures of IFBB bodybuilder Tom Prince when he was in his prime? He was a 270-pound beast, very big for the bodybuilding scene in the late ’90s. But he had something that no other bodybuilder had. His hamstrings protruded from the back of his upper legs like biceps. Most of today’s top bodybuilders don’t have that outstanding level of hamstring development. Maybe it’s because of the ridiculous quad development in today’s athletes. Perhaps it is due to current medications (growth hormone, insulin and IGF-1). Maybe it’s something else.

What are the reasons why men like Tom Prince have outstanding hamstrings and men like you have average hamstrings? Let’s look at some of the factors.


First, we must remember that genetics is the key to everything in bodybuilding. The men you see on professional bodybuilding stages are among the top 1% of genetic specimens on planet Earth. Chances are good that, without training, most of them still have better hamstrings than you, having trained them for years. As Ronnie Coleman once said, if you want muscle like me, you have to die and come back with better genetics!

Years of experience

Remember that most professionals are between 25 and 35 years old and have been training for 15 to 20 years. They have always been good at bodybuilding and have, for the most part, remained consistent, if only because they received attention from those around them for it.

Leaving the quads alone

Many professional bodybuilders train the quads and hamstrings on two different days of the week, or split the leg day into morning (quadriceps) and evening (hamstring) training.

In the gym twice as much as you

These guys live in the gym. Many of them hit each body part twice a week, giving you double the stimulation/rest/growth cycles per body part while you enjoy. You can train each body part once a week. Many of them double down on that, sometimes hitting each body part three times a week when a show is coming up.

Outfits, Outfits and More Outfits

At most, you probably train your hamstrings with 8 to 12 sets. Many of the top professional bodybuilders will simply train for hours with a partner. Ninety minutes of hamstrings, and call it a day. This could be made up of 20, 30 or even 40 sets. Your schedule and your body’s recovery may not allow it.


If your job title is “professional bodybuilder,” chances are you have the ability to sleep late and take daily naps. Many of us do not have such blessings!

Bottom line

You’ll never have Tom Prince’s hamstrings, no matter how hard you train and how much you want them. But you can have the most impressive set of hamstrings at your office, your gym, or your local bodybuilding show. Set realistic goals. He wouldn’t be frustrated if he flipped through a website on brain surgery, but he still didn’t know how to perform a lobotomy. Likewise, don’t get mad if after years of training you don’t have pro-quality hamstrings. A lot of factors go into your build, and the only thing that really matters is that you have the best hamstrings you’re capable of.


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