Home microdermabrasion machines have gained popularity every day as an effective beauty treatment. The Sylvan company is one of the main competitors in this market with its products. So I decided to put my fingers on the keyboard and order a Sylvan microdermabrasion review for all of you.

Sylvan Company has been manufacturing professional microdermabrasion machines for some time. These are designed to serve professional spas and qualified therapists. The larger machines are very popular and get rave reviews on the internet. However, in 2010, Sylvan ventured into the home microdermabrasion machine market, competing with established brands such as Timepeel and Nu-Brilliance.

Fascinated by its new direction, I have done a little more research for this new beauty device of hers, to see how good it is. In my Sylvan microdermabrasion review for the home machine, I searched the internet for the right information, customer reviews, and ratings. I would do this as a customer before making my decision, so I thought it would help to do it for you. I know time is precious and reading all those same marketing “reviews” over and over again, it really pissed me off. I like to be objective and impartial.

So how did it come out against the rest? Well, for a new product it would always be difficult to measure the complete answer. On the company’s website there is a section for customer comments and there are 2 entries. It’s enough? I decide to make an objective decision on that and the rating I gave.

I also took a look at the ever-trustworthy Amazon.com to see how they were sold and rated. I know for sure that the ratings here for professional machines made by Sylvan are very good and can be seen as an indicator of the quality of a company. I put it all together on my website.


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