The thyroid gland is a member of the glandular or endocrine system. The English medical term derives from the Greek words: thyreos meaning “shield” and eidos meaning “shape.”

The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck. It is slightly heavier in women than in men and enlarges during pregnancy.

The thyroid gland secretes the hormone “thyroxine” directly into the bloodstream. Thyroxine is also known as “thyroid hormone.” Thyroxine is a compound that contains iodine. In fact, the thyroid gland itself is comprised primarily of the mineral iodine and is therefore vital and necessary for optimal thyroid health and function.

The function of the thyroid gland includes: regulation of normal body growth in infancy and childhood, regulation of metabolism, regulation of body temperature, maintenance of skeletal maturation; and regulation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These above functions depend on thyroxine or thyroid hormone.

The thyroid gland in most Americans is sluggish, if not completely inactive. This is especially true of American women. The sluggish or underactive thyroid gland plays a significant role in the modern American epidemic of obesity, especially in women, due to the fact that an underactive or sluggish thyroid gland affects metabolism and therefore body heat that depends on it. of burning fat converted to sugar.

Pathologies of the thyroid gland include: hypothyroidism, goiter, thyroid cancer, and thyroiditis, to name a few. The lack of iodine plays an important role in the development of these diseases or pathologies.

Many women suffering from thyroid problems go and seek medical help from doctors who prescribe thyroid damaging pharmaceutical drugs with thyroid tracers mixed with radiation to irradiate and kill the thyroid gland completely. With Western allopathic medicine, their motto is, if you can’t fix it, destroy it or retire it.

As the thyroid gland in the body corresponds to the fifth chakra (throat chakra), fifth chakra imbalance also plays a role in thyroid problems. A chakra is a “wheel” or “vortex” that cannot be seen with the physical eye and is entirely energy based. There are a total of seven main chakras located in certain organs of the body and the Fifth chakra is located in the throat area. The color of the fifth chakra is light blue and blue, so any gemstone of this color (or even violet or purple) can help balance or correct imbalances in this particular chakra.

Blue colored stones include: Blue Lace Agate, Angelite, Chrysocolla, Celestite, Azurite, and Lapis Lazuli. These stones can be placed directly on the thyroid gland for a few minutes to help correct any imbalance in this chakra.

You know, it’s very strange in the sense that in addition to responding to the color blue, the thyroid gland also responds to the color violet, and the main mineral in the thyroid gland is iodine, which term is derived from the Greek word ioeides, which means “purple.” .”

Iodine is a bluish-black solid that turns to a purple vapor when heated. Therefore, the thyroid gland responds to blue and violet.

It amazes me how a single mineral like iodine can cause some of the most horrible health ailments. Did you know that cretinism (which includes stretched out, mental deficiency, large tongue, and lack of muscle coordination) is the result of a thyroid deficiency? Dwarfs (midgets) are the direct result of a lack of iodine in the mother’s body during pregnancy. So is mental retardation. Both conditions can be prevented with sufficient amounts of iodine in the body.

And have you ever seen someone with a goiter? It looks like a big tumor on the neck. Goiter is simply the result of severe iodine deficiency and can be reversed with adequate amounts of iodine in the daily diet.

Excellent, natural sources of iodine include: white oak bark, black walnut shells, watercress, chickweed, and kelp, especially kelp, including nori, dulse, kelp, Irish moss, Iceland moss, bladderwrack, spirulina, chlorella, Hiziki, Arame, Wakame, red marine algae, and blue-green algae to name a few. In fact, seaweed is the biggest and best food for humans, providing us with all the nutrients we need for optimal health. You do not have to eat fish as a source of iodine. Fish are rich in iodine because what do fish eat? Answer: Algae! And what are seaweed rich in? Answer: IODINE! So leave the fish alone and let them live and just do like the fish and eat seaweed for your natural iodine.

Iodized salt as a source of iodine? I do not think! Although iodized salt may have reduced the incidence of cretinism in the United States, it played an important role in the development of high blood pressure in this country. So cretinism was traded for high blood pressure.

Instead of using iodized salt under the name of sodium chloride (white table salt), it is much better (and safer) to use sea salt (available in health food stores).

Also, magnets can be of great help in thyroid problems by stimulating the thyroid gland. Just place a magnet on the thyroid gland for a few hours and the thyroid will reactivate. This technique alone will reverse thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland).

If you are pregnant, it is vitally important that you get adequate amounts of iodine.

Iodine is essential for anyone trying to lose weight (fat), naturally.

I have prepared an iodine phosphate formula and a thyroid formula that are rich in natural iodine and contain the best seaweed and sea herbs that supply large amounts of natural iodine. Seaweed not only provides iodine, but also has a mucilaginous and bulking effect on the colon that helps cleanse the colon and aids in stool formation and, more importantly, suppresses hunger (or appetite). , something that obese people need in order to lose weight.

So in closing, remember that: (1) every thyroid condition can be reversed or cured with natural iodine, and (2) pharmaceutical-grade synthetic iodine is toxic and can be fatal.


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