Stealing is a common misbehavior of children with ADHD. One of the characteristics of ADHD is impulsivity: acting without thinking. When a child with ADHD sees something they like, they often put it away, put it in their mouth, or take it away.

Later, when he has a quiet moment, he’ll take it out to take a good look at what he’s accomplished. If it’s not as interesting as you thought, you might just rule it out.

When a child is caught stealing, he impulsively lies to avoid losing his stolen loot and to avoid discipline. (This is why stealing and lying often go hand in hand.)

The secret is to see the behavior clearly and stay calm. Approach the elements rationally and you will be able to overcome this.

A child will steal for the following reasons:

* He likes shiny or shiny objects, so he takes them impulsively. This is common in children with ADHD.

* He wants something to chew, so he steals food, gum, or candy. Children with ADHD often steal gum from convenience stores. These children also chew on the collars and sleeves of their shirts.

* Wants to buy gum and candy, so steals money to buy them (common in older children with ADHD).

* Wants revenge; For example, if a classmate gets you in trouble, you might steal a book from your backpack.

* You feel deprived, materially or emotionally abandoned that children steal, unconsciously to fill the feeling of emptiness in your heart.

* You want to escape from depression; Full of cunning and eagerness to steal, he can escape depression. Feel a temporary arousal when they chase you.

Some parents just threaten by saying, “If you steal in the real world, you will go to jail.” The child thinks: “Nothing happens to me when I steal at home and at school, so I could also steal again and take risks.”

A child can lie for the following reasons:

* You cannot admit that you made a mistake (the most common), for example, you broke a vase.

* Is afraid of punishment; remember the pain from when he was punished before.

* You want to impress others with your background or skills, for example, “My dad has 13 cars.”

* You don’t want others to know about your shameful past; for example, you live in a homeless part of town.

* He does not know the difference between the truth and a lie, because he lies very often. He forgets his lies, so he confuses others.

Yelling, threatening, and yelling do not change your child’s stealing behavior.

Use the following counseling techniques to lie and steal:

Make sure your child has three meals and two snacks a day. Have a bowl of fruit available to nibble on. Keep sugar-free emergency gum on hand in case your child seems desperate to chew something. You will save a lot of shirt collars and sleeves.

Catch your child every time he steals, and it should have logical consequences at all times. Trace the origin of everything you say you found or were given to you. Insist on seeing a receipt for the items you say you bought. If not, donate the item to a charity or return it to the school.

Teach him the difference between “need” and “want.” When your eyes are fixed on something and you want to reach for it, you must learn to ask yourself, “Do I want it or do I need it?” If he only wants the pen that his partner is holding, teach him to ask, “May I hold / admire your pen for a few moments?”

To train this skill, gather some novelty items (like the ones you can steal). Supervise him as he practices by saying, “May I hold / admire your [novelty item] For a few moments? “Give him the item and let him look at it for a few moments. Thank him when he returns it. At the end of this science experiment, give him a token. Show him that he needs something if he can’t do without it, for example air, water, food, and rest. If you need something, you are justified in ordering it correctly. For example, “Mom, it’s 6:00 pm Is dinner ready?” If not, can I have a cookie because my stomach is growling?

Teach your children to resolve arguments with clear and assertive communication, not retaliation.

Give your child ways to earn an allowance with good behavior and good grades so he can have money to spend. (I recommend using a token system). Let him spend as he pleases, even for sweets. He earned it.

Give logical consequences for each theft event. One of the most pressing consequences is paying a refund of three times the value of the stolen items. If your child has to pay three times the value of a $ 10 item and return it, they will learn that it is worth the wait to buy it with allowance.

Train your child in values ​​and hold him accountable for his actions with logical consequences. If you use these methods consistently every time you suspect a robbery, your child will likely decide that stealing is more of a problem than it is worth.

Can you solve this

Consistency is critical to a possible cure for children who lie and children who steal.


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