I finished Uncharted 2 months ago and have been looking forward to continuing my treasure hunting ever since I finally discovered the source of the Cintamani stone. What’s not to like about the hero, Nathan Drake, in these treasure hunting adventures. Well shut up because details of the next installment in the series have slowly started to come out to the public. Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception it should be released sometime during the fall of 2011. Most likely just before the holiday season.

Uncharted 3 will be a completely new story from the first two games. Of course, it will incorporate the information of the character. Nathan Drake, descendant of the great explorer Sir Francis Drake, will be sent in this third game in the series to the Arabian Peninsula and the Rub’al Khali desert to search for the lost city of legend called Iram of the Pillars. Most of the settings in this game will be gloomy without many buildings, so it is anticipated that this installment will be more character-driven than previous games. Uncharted 2’s story was fantastic, and if they’re bringing back the same writers, I’ll definitely be first in line to get my hands on this new game.

The game will follow the same format that Naughty Dog calls an “interactive cinematic experience.” What I can tell you is that even my wife likes to sit and watch me play because she says it’s like watching a DVD movie. Since there are women involved and a bit of drama between them, it was enough to keep her interested. The games are a bit more for adults, but I didn’t have any problems with my teenager either.

According to Sony Pictures, work is scheduled to begin next year on the movie Uncharted, which will be an adaptation of the video game for the big screen. There are rumors that the selected director might be out of the project and Sony is looking for a new director. Mark Wahlberg is also rumored to be the favorite to play the character of Drake in the film. Even if filming is delayed, it looks like the movie will be made at some point. I think the character of Drake could be a kind of Indiana Jones for younger generations who might not be able to relate to the classic movies.

The Uncharted 3 trailer premiere is scheduled to air during the Spike Video Game Awards, which is on December 11. I’ll be glued to the television.


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