Acne is one of the most common diseases in the world. It is a skin condition in which the sebaceous gland follicle becomes clogged and inflammation occurs in the skin due to the accumulation of oil on the skin (sebum). It commonly occurs in adolescence, although it affects all age groups. Acne mainly affects the face, upper arms, back, chest, and neck.

There are no overnight cures for acne. The results of the treatment are noticed between 2 and 6 weeks. The types of acne are comedonal, papulopustular, inflammatory and severe acne.

In comedonal acne there is no inflammation. The way to cure such acne is to apply azelaic acid or salicylic acid topical acne lotions (skin defoliants) or topical retinoid acne lotions (follicle normalizing agents) or benzoyl peroxide acne lotion (antibacterial agent). (Benzoyl peroxide is one of the best over-the-counter acne products.)

Papulopustular acne or mild inflammatory acne can be cured with topical antibiotic acne lotions such as erythromycin or benzoyl peroxide acne lotions or topical retinoid acne lotions. The use of antibiotics kills the bacteria momentarily but does not provide a permanent cure for acne.

Inflammatory acne or moderately inflammatory acne can be cured with topical retinoids or benzoyl peroxide acne lotions in combination with oral antibiotics. Oral antibiotics provide longer relief, but are still not effective for permanent acne cure.

Severe inflammatory acne can be cured with retinoid acne lotions like isotretinoin or with hormonal treatment. Hormones that are beneficial are drospirenone and cyproterone. Hormonal treatment is more effective in women. Self-medication can be dangerous. Consult your doctor before using any of the drugs listed here.

Some dietary supplements like acuzine are popular. Dietary supplements contain antioxidants, vitamins, collagen, herbal extracts, etc., which are beneficial for the skin and speed up recovery. However, dietary supplements by themselves cannot be considered a treatment. Although the manufacturers claim that many patients were cured and found relief from acne.


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