Web success stories are found all over the internet. The question most of us ask ourselves is can a little guy like me also become one of these success stories on the web? So I decided to do some research to see what I could come up with and, you know, there are a lot of people doing it right. This article is written for the little one to show him that yes, his dreams can also come true.

When we hear the phrase “web success stories” we think of the gurus who make thousands, if not millions, of dollars a year. However, there are ordinary people who have started from scratch earning fifty, a hundred, five hundred even a thousand dollars a day. These are the people who have relentlessly pursued their dreams with a burning desire and a supportive community to help them get through the learning curve.

I have collected some inspiring anecdotes. They are real web success stories from real people taken from one of the forums I am familiar with. There are too many to include them all here, so I’ve included three of the most inspiring.


Without a doubt, one of my favorite web success stories. This gentleman had been doing niche marketing for a while and was making around $500 a month. He invested around $120 in a specific niche. Set up a landing page, some videos, and some pay-per-click advertising. He wasn’t going anywhere, so he stopped promoting it and let it sit. Four months later he received notice of a sale. They kept coming to one or two a day. He earned $2,000 in commissions in just four days.

When he did some research to find out how this could happen, he discovered that one of the keyword phrases he was using was ranked number one on Google. After four months! The amazing thing is that the search volume was only sixteen searches per month, so the conversion rate was close to one hundred percent! All from organic traffic! It just goes to show that you never know when it will happen.

Specializing in one method pays off in a big way

This is one of the truly amazing web success stories and anyone who hangs out on Squidoo will know all about this amazing woman. She doesn’t consider herself a guru, but just an ordinary woman who started from scratch, worked hard, learned all she could and took ACTION. She decided to specialize in marketing using Squidoo. She now shares that knowledge with others so that they too can realize her dreams. She went from earning nothing online to earning over $100,000 in her second year. Oh, and I should also mention that she knew very little about affiliate marketing when she started.

Vegas baby! Here I come!

This gentleman from England used to work in a factory and now works full time as an affiliate marketer. His motivation, in addition to having his own business, was an all-expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas. He’s a member of a company that has a promotion where anyone who makes three hundred sales in a year gets an all-expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas and a chance to talk marketing with even more successful Internet marketers. After discovering that he really works in his second year, he began promoting the very company that taught him the trade. He got those three hundred sales, a trip to Vegas, and the last thing he heard, he’s now making five figures a month. All this in two years.

Web success stories are everywhere if you look closely. Ordinary people who spend the necessary time learning and working hard are reaching amazing levels of achievement. I have written about these people to show you that you too can achieve your dreams. Too often we hear about scams and unscrupulous sellers, but there is a whole other world of people trying to make an honest living online and these people are creating their own success stories on the web too!


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