Although it may sound like a tropical island, Candida is far from it. Candida albicans is actually a type of yeast that normally lives in the digestive tract and vagina. Normally, our immune system keeps the amount of candida in check, but sometimes, due to certain circumstances, candida can get out of control and overgrow. This can lead to oral thrush, skin infections, and fungal infections. People with weakened immune systems may also be at risk for systemic candidiasis.

The dangers of candida

Overgrowth of Candida Albicans yeast in the dietary tract can cause fatigue, headache, mood swings, nasal congestion, depression, poor concentration, and an intense craving for sweets. If left unchecked, the extra yeast can penetrate the intestinal wall, which can lead to an allergic reaction to Candida.

What causes the growth of Candida?

There are several factors that can lead to an overgrowth of Candida Albicans. Frequent use of oral contraceptives, antacids, steroids, or antibiotics is a definite cause. Additionally, a diet high in sugar, diabetes, smoking, or pregnancy can also lead to candida overgrowth.

How to follow the candida diet?

Probably the most important step in following the Candida Diet is to avoid sugar. The sugars will feed the yeast, and one of the easiest ways to keep it in check is to deprive it of fuel to grow. Therefore, it will be necessary to limit carbohydrates, since they are essentially simple sugars. As your symptoms subside, you can slowly increase the amount of carbohydrates you can eat, but it’s a good idea to stick to low-carb foods like meat, shellfish, non-starchy vegetables, and chicken. Also, you’ll want to avoid foods that are high in yeast such as bread, cheese, mushrooms, and beer.

How long should I be on the Candida diet?

There is no set answer for how long someone should stay on the Candida Diet. Much depends on how long you have been experiencing symptoms and how severe they have been. Also, your general health is another factor to consider when looking at how long you should follow the diet. It will usually take at least four weeks before you notice any improvement, but it will often take a couple of months to really see a major change.


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