Does your home office look like it’s been through? Many times we do not take the time that our home office needs to maintain itself. We have so many other things crying out for our attention and the clutter is growing fast. I am going to offer you a simple way to declutter your home office. This simple but apparently effective technique is the “daily diligence”.

Using this daily errand technique has helped several of my clients in many areas of their messy lives. This technique has been used by several clients to successfully declutter and maintain their home office.

Taking just a few minutes a day to put everything in its place will dramatically simplify keeping your home office tidy. Not to mention, when you first start out, you don’t have to take the whole office and put it in complete order. For most, that would be too overwhelming and that’s why it would be beyond messy and probably worse.

Just spend a few minutes, 5-10 maybe, every day and make sure that time is spent using organization techniques that you have found to work for you. If you’re feeling like most of my clients and wondering where to start, I’ve suggested you start with garbage removal first. That seems to have helped in many cases.

Several clients found that by just taking a few minutes each day, with daily diligence, they were able to effectively remove junk, reduce clutter, and then maintain their home office.

One of my clients mentioned that she had been able to completely de-clutter her once overwhelming home office and that by applying daily diligence, she is now able to quickly maintain and better utilize her home office. She said that she gave herself 5 minutes every day. She took my advice and started with the garbage disposal first. She then began organizing the rest of her office down to her filing cabinet.

Another client said she started by setting a timer, giving herself 2 minutes every day. He said that he felt that 2 minutes was something he could stick with and not feel like it was too overwhelming or took too much time away from other household things that needed to be taken care of. She admitted that she was definitely slow at first, but she started to notice a difference and it helped keep her motivated to keep coming back every day. She said that she can now maintain her office in less than the 2 minutes she originally started with and that she has used this technique successfully in many of the other cluttered spaces in her life.


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