Everyone wants to be slim to look handsome or beautiful depending on whether the person is a man or a woman. To say bluntly that people want to lose weight and want to lose weight fast. But which is a better way, lose weight fast or focus on slow weight reduction? This is a question that has puzzled researchers in view of the fact that studies have indicated mixed results. Still, the findings offer some great insights.

Research on rapid weight loss

In a study conducted at the University of Florida, scientists concluded that rapid weight loss is a better approach to achieve long-lasting results. The fastest group lost more than 1.5 pounds per week. The slowest group lost just half a pound per week. This study reported that the women who lost weight the fastest were 5 times more likely than the other group to lose 10% of their body weight after eighteen months.

In this study, the people who lost weight the fastest kept food diaries and did not eat the same number of calories as the group who lost weight more gradually. These are notable observations, as they are a clue as to what will help you achieve lasting results.

Other inferences were that the rapid weight loss group was experiencing noticeable changes in physical appearance and vitality levels. This encouraged them to continue with their plans without rest.

Quick Weight Loss Definition

The key to answering this question remains in the definition of “rapid weight loss”. According to some studies, people who lose outrageous amounts of pounds in a short period of time without first changing their clothing end up regaining the weight. This bodes well as losing 5 to 10 pounds or more per week is exhausting and possibly unhealthy. It’s something that’s difficult to sustain long-term, often requiring cutting an extreme amount of calories or exercising for an amount of time and intensity level that can’t be achieved in the long term.

For example, if your goal is to lose 5 pounds per week, that means burning 17,500 calories in a week. To reach this goal, you must reduce your caloric intake by 1,500 calories per day and burn 1,000 each day through vigorous exercise. This is extremely difficult for many people to maintain long-term and prevents you from forming new, healthy habits.

Set Actionable Weight Loss Goals

As the study above shows, setting your weight loss goal of 1-2 pounds per week is sensible and achievable. You can do this by cutting out high-fat foods and sugary snacks and drinks. Keeping track of your food intake in a food diary will help you form healthy eating habits.

In closing, you should stay away from weight loss plans that urge you to lose too much or too little weight at one time. You need to lose enough weight to see a difference and stay inspired to continue your healthy habits. It’s best to stay away from extreme eating plans that make you feel deprived and leave you craving your old eating habits.


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