Helen never grew old. Not in my mind anyway. She was at least ninety years old and had long, wavy hair; look popular teen fashion; and in general face life with attitude. Her attitude was positive, optimistic, cheerful, sweet and most importantly: youthful. If you asked him how she was doing, his answer was always the same: “Great!”

I never saw Helen depressed or discouraged. She never talked about her aches and pains if she had them. Her daily exercise and her healthy eating may have eliminated them, but she must have had some. I know this because when she fell or bumped herself, she would say, “I must have needed acupuncture there!” What an amazing woman she was. If she went to the doctor, she never talked about it, and she just listened to others talk, never once complaining about any condition, except maybe the fact that other people weren’t laughing enough or having fun with it enough. life.

I want to be Helen when I grow up! So I incorporated everything I know about how he faced life, no embraced life with every fiber of your being. Her spiritual life was the most important thing to her and she never stopped serving all life with love (and a bit of rebellion too!). Here are her secrets and some of mine:

one. Keep your attention on the goal, not the barricade. For example, if you want to catch the ball, keep your eyes on the ball, right? In this case, keep an eye on the sentiment and attitude of the youth. Whenever he feels old, ask yourself what a child would do in any situation. You may find that you can do much more than you thought you could!

2. Observe and change your languageboth for you and for others. I’m tempted to use the word old, but instead replace it with the word “experienced” or some other creative phrase. Another friend who inspires me never says her age because she said that people automatically think of you in a certain way and have an attitude about you. Be eternal, be a goddess!

3. Think young. Every day, every time you think about how you look or feel, imagine what you were like when you were your ideal age. That could be different for everyone. I like to maintain my image of myself as thirty-five years old and when I have birthdays, each one is “my annual thirty-fifth birthday” for anyone who asks!

4. Smile as much as you can – not only do you look younger, but you will also feel younger. Try it right now!

5. Relax and fill your heart with love – that’s the real secret to stay young. When you trust and focus on your spiritual life, it will fill you with energy.


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