The green city under the sun

Nairobi is home to thousands of businesses and more than 100 major international organizations and companies, including the United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). It has established itself as a center of culture and business. The Nairobi Stock…

What is a Soul Retrieval?

Sometimes it feels like a part of you is missing. You may experience sadness, grievance, inconsistencies in your thoughts and emotions, and even anger. Feeling this loss, you may want to seek some unusual help. A soul retrieval may be just what you need. What…

Are you addicted to bread?

Bread has a combination of flavor, texture, and high carbohydrate content that make it so enjoyable that many people find it hard to stop eating it, especially when it’s fresh out of the oven. In fact, there is a chemical process that occurs within the…