Acne sucks! get rid of him forever

Acne can cause anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression. To get rid of acne, you need to take the right supplements, avoid the wrong foods, and use the right products on your skin. Zinc Hormonal imbalances can lead to acne. Zinc regulates the hormones in your…

How to make women like you

If you want to go from idiot to Casanova, you have to prepare yourself for hard work and a steep learning curve. But if you see it through… boy is it worth it? Knowing how to please women is definitely an art, a comprehensive art…

It’s time to go to the root

Many of us are realizing that our psychological/emotional and physical well-being are interconnected. We have also realized that if we are not live a life of meaning and purpose in fact we are missing something. So I wonder: “Does illness manifest on a physical level…