There are many different types of lifting aids used in the gym setting. You may have seen several muscular athletes using figure 6s, figure 8s, and chalk to help lift heavy weights. Have you ever wondered what each one is designed for? What do they do and which ones suit you and your type of training?

The 2 most common straps used in the gym are figure 6 and figure 8.

When training muscles like the back or traps, the forearm muscles play a vital role in being able to grip or hang from a barbell or dumbbell. But in some cases, in the middle of a session, the forearms bulge so much that the fingers cannot hold a barbell or dumbbell.

When training with straps, the load is greatly reduced because instead of the forearms taking all the weight, it is distributed through the strap and the wrist, which means that the forearms do not tire as quickly.

Exercises where figures 6 and 8 are needed are exercises like the peasant walk, pull-ups, deadlifts, rows, and shrugs.

There are two clear differences with the 6 and the 8.

Figure 6s are designed so that you not only use your forearm muscles more, but if the weight is too heavy and you have to drop it, the weight will slide off the strap. On the other hand, when you use a figure 8, you stimulate even less forearm strength and rely on the figure 8 strap to hold the weight. Not only this, but if you let go of the weight, the strap will stay on leaving your arm connected to whatever you were lifting. This can become dangerous if some exercises are performed.

I recommend using figure 6s for all lifts, but if you like to use figure 8s, don’t use them with deadlifts and rows, in case you drop the weight.

Chalk is primarily used by powerlifters and weightlifters. Many gyms do not allow the use of chalk because it can make quite a mess on the floor and stain the weights and barbells.

Chalk is primarily used for rope climbing, deadlifts, power cleans, snatches, and squats. Its main function is that the trainer can grip as easily as possible while still using natural grip strength.

The benefit of using chalk is that the trainer can lift heavy weights (mainly deadlifts) and still use the finger and forearm muscles without having to rely on straps (which tend to take a lot of the load off the grip).

Knee pads are designed to push your patella down firmly, making it easier to slide up and down. Weightlifters believe that by doing this they will be able to lift more weight when squatting. Knee wraps also help you in the bottom of the squat by causing you to “bounce” out of the bottom position, which for some is the most difficult position.

I recommend being careful about wearing knee wraps because if you wear them too much they can cause minor tears under the kneecap in the patellar tendon.

In conclusion, most trainers do not need to use lifting aids. These will help you lift a little more weight, but this is not necessarily a good thing. Superior technique and good nutrition are the best way to not only achieve your strength and fitness goals, but also to live a healthy lifestyle.


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