Windows 7 may be the most advanced operating system in the world, but it still has a big problem in the form of “blue screen errors,” common problems that continually prevent you from using your PC properly. We found that while there can be many different blue screen errors, there is usually one main cause of these problems that will continually prevent Windows from working properly. If you can fix this problem, it will likely fix many of the blue screen errors you see on your computer.

What are blue screen errors?

Blue screen errors are simply errors that are so severe that Windows has no choice but to restart and display the problem you are experiencing. Usually caused by hardware issues (which take time to develop), most people aren’t aware that there’s a part of Windows that’s also a big cause of these errors: the registry. The registry is a central database that stores all of your important Windows settings, and because it will continually get corrupted and damaged, this part of your PC is actually one of the main causes of problems.

The registry is one of the main problems in Windows, so it is essential that you can repair any of the problems that you have with this part of your PC if you want your PC to run smoothly.

How to fix Windows 7 blue screen errors

The common Windows 7 blue screen error will basically be caused by your system “registry”, which is your PC’s core database that Windows continually loads to help it run. The registry stores your desktop icons, most recent emails, and even your desktop wallpaper in a centralized location and is therefore used hundreds of times a day to help Windows read all of your important settings. .

The recommended way to fix any potential registry errors you may have is to use a registry cleaning application to scan through this database and fix any potential problems within this part of your PC. A registry cleaner is a program that can scan through Windows and fix any of the problems your computer has, making your system run much more smoothly and reliably again. You can download one of these tools from the internet and let it fix any of the errors you have on your PC, which should solve most of the problems that cause blue screen errors to appear.


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