If you are a typical alpha male, surely you would like to make your girl feel better by giving her an explosive orgasm. But even with the massive flow of information today, it’s surprising that only a handful are successful in this department. Here are some tips on how to make a woman orgasm fast and addicted to you:

* Make your partner totally comfortable. If she is relaxed enough, it will be easy for her to climax quickly. Women also treat a sexual encounter as an emotional experience, so they are not easily aroused even when they are naked with a guy in a room. The key to a woman’s orgasm is total ease and comfort. If she can throw all inhibitions to the wind, it will only be a matter of time before she orgasms right before your eyes.

* Don’t make her feel like she’s an object of your satisfaction. Treat her like a person because being on an equal footing in bed would make her feel special and cared for. Once again, playing on her emotions would go a long way in her goal of how to make a woman orgasm fast. So be very patient and considerate, assuring her over and over again that you love and adore her.

* Foreplay is the key. This is how you make a woman feel comfortable. There are several extremely sensitive parts of a woman’s body, like the nipples, clitoris, and G-spot, and if you work on these areas, there’s no reason why you can’t bring her to the brink of satisfaction.


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