I am Gemini, my Partner is Virgo; Apparently he should leave me for Scorpio because we have nothing in common. At least this is what the book of the Zodiac said. I hope you keep me around a little longer. But it does raise the question: are there star-crossed lovers and soul mates? My answer would be yes and they hang out in the same bar as Santa, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny. Okay, I’m a bit cynical, but as a psychic I have to listen a million times a day when Mr. Right is coming, is he my soul mate? My answer well sir you could almost use some work is available will you?

Wait for Mr./Ms. Right is like putting a pumpkin in the driveway and waiting for the Good Fairy to turn it into a sports car that will never happen. Because because your spiritual soulmate is not the one who will agree with everything you say, will do everything you want, they will not have the same likes and dislikes as you. Ask the Universe for a soul mate and you will get someone who pushes all your buttons, who challenges you on every level, who will stand up in front of you and say nah I don’t think so. How do I know this because that is exactly what I got when I asked the universe to send a soul mate my way?

But interesting enough, I’ve never been more in tune with who I am, I’ve never been more authentic than right now. Through my partner I have come to see all my dysfunctional behavior patterns and I have been able to grow a lot as a person. I have been pushed beyond my doubts and towards my greatness.

When you chase Mr./Mrs. right, you are so full of expectations that no one can live up to it. And here’s the interesting thing: it’s all about them. Will they fit in with my friends, will they be sporty, intelligent, well-read, know how to cook, like dogs, etc.? All valid questions you could add, however notice how the person you’re looking for has to be perfect, but you aren’t.

What if you asked yourself the same questions?

Do I have good social intimacy skills?

-Am I a self-confident and well-adjusted person?

-I am able to commit to a long-term relationship

-Why did my last relationship fail and what was my longest relationship?

Mr./Mrs. almost needs some work, doesn’t look too bad now! My partner is not perfect despite being a Virgo, but she has a loving, generous and compassionate spirit and a sense of who she is that I respect and admire. We have and will continue to have challenges as we grow and learn together, it won’t be the stuff Mills and Boons is built on, but I can tell you I wouldn’t give away a minute of the time we’ve been together.

Here’s a little advice: don’t go looking for Mr./Mrs. Until you’ve found yourself. Don’t go into a relationship hoping to be soul mates; enter into a relationship as friends. Don’t have expectations, have hopes and dreams for the future.

Disclaimer: To all the kids out there, please note that we have confirmed that Santa is at home at the North Pole with Mrs. Santa, not at a bar downtown, my apologies.


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