The purpose of a home inspection is to determine the condition of the home at the time of the inspection. The inspection report is often used to determine the value of a purchase and presents an opportunity to negotiate the price and any repairs that may be needed.

There are several types of inspection services. Buyers who want a home they are considering purchasing inspected. Sellers (or listing inspections), who want their home inspected to identify and correct problems before they put their home on the market. Phased inspections, which are done during various phases of construction on a home under construction. Warranty inspections that are usually done 11 months after initial construction while the home is still under the builder’s warranty.

An inspection covers an inspection of structure, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, and appliances. Inspectors are required to inspect only items that are visible and accessible. Two-story ceilings are generally considered inaccessible and are inspected from the ground. Inspectors cannot perform invasive inspections. They are not allowed to open walls or ceilings to determine hidden problems behind the walls. A professional inspector will incorporate the latest technology, such as thermal imaging, to assess the overall condition of the home.

Home inspectors are similar to primary care physicians, except that home inspectors are not allowed, by law, to work on the homes they inspect. Primary care physicians will refer their patients to a specialist for further examination and treatment. Home inspectors will also refer your client to a specialist when necessary. As noted, home inspectors are not authorized by law to work in the homes they inspect. This is for customer protection. They don’t have to worry about the inspector finding problems in the hope that they can earn extra money through repairs.

A typical home inspection is limited to the house and garage. Does not include swimming pools, hot tubs, lawn sprinklers, wells, septic tanks, and exterior buildings. These are additional costs. Some require additional training and licensing from the home inspector.

The role of the home inspector is simply to inspect and report. A home inspector should not make recommendations about who should do the repairs or whether the client should buy the house, or what should be negotiated with the seller. We recommend that the client consult with his real estate agent, who will help him make these decisions.


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